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cody herbinko
[for my boo

[wc; 768]

she knocked on his door, tears streaming down her face. thoughts of the previous events raced through her mind as she waited for the door to open. once it did, her eyes averted to his face with soft sobs slipping.

he pulled her into a hug, bringing her into his house and closing the door. no words were exchanged between the to for them to know what had happened.

"i'm going to beat his ass." he whispered, holding her close to him to give her warmth and comfort.

minutes passed by before her sobs subsided. they stood in the middle of the room, swaying back and forth while they hugged.

"you didn't break up with him. you said you would." the blue eyed boys' voice softly filled the air.

her head dug deeper into his chest not wanting to make eye contact. "i'm sorry. i couldn't. i can't."

"why not brianna? do it for you, the others, do it for me!" cody let go of her, frustrated with the situation.

brianna had been with her boyfriend for a year and a few months now. but it has not been a healthy relationship. she would go to her bestfriend, cody, constantly. with tears streaming down her face he would always comfort her.

cody knew brianna as a strong girl, but ever since she started dating the guy, she had become weaker and vulnerable. he hated seeing her like this. when she wasn't in this situation, she was this caring, kind, funny, and girl. cody loved that girl. he had fallen head over heels for this girl.

"why for you? you aren't getting affected by it?" her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

his voice got louder when he spoke,"it isn't? then why does it hurt to see you cry? why do i feel helpless when you come to me? why do i feel so much anger when i see him?"

"i'm in love with you that's why! you wouldn't be crying with me. you can be smiling, and being wild and free with me! we can both be free together, feel like we're flying." cody's voice went to a whisper at the end of his monologue.

they were so close to each other, their bodies almost pressed against each other. "cody, i-i can't. it would be a full on war if i tried to break up with him."

"then i will ride into battle for you." he said softly, their foreheads resting on each others.

brianna's eyes stared down at his lips that were so close to hers. without warning, her lips filled the gap between them. the kiss brought a wave of feelings to her. the feelings were so foreign to her. kisses with him weren't like that.

a soft chuckle came from his lips as the kiss ended. his thumb brushed over her hand, making the brunette girl realize that their hands were intertwined.

"come on." cody pulled her with him towards the door.

she smiled widely, following without hesitation. "where are we going?"

"to get away from this place." he winked at her resulting in a small giggle slipping from her mouth.

they got into the car quickly; him driving and her riding shotgun, with their hands intertwined. every stop they took, he would turn to her and give her a soft kiss on the cheek or her knuckles.

"we're here." he poked her cheek playfully.

"in the middle of nowhere..are you going to kill me?" brianna joked with wide eyes.

cody chuckled and shook his head at her wild imagination. "just get out of the car with me."

they stood on top of a hiking trail that overlooked their city. stars twinkled brightly and the moon shined down on the two of them. the both of them sat on top of the hood belonging to the car they drove in.

"it's beautiful up here." brianna mumbled under her breath. after a moment of silence she spoke again,"what would you do if the sky fell?" she asked curiously.

cody thought about it for a while, a soft smile made its way to his lips. "i'd catch."

"you'd catch the sky?" the brown eyed girl raised an eyebrow at him with an amused expression.

"yeah. if the sky fell, i'd catch it just to steal you a star." she chuckled, shaking her head at his line.

"you are so cheesy, mr.herbinko." his smile grew wider before kissing her softly.

"only for you."

and for the first time in a long time, brianna and cody both felt free.

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