bad at love | theo raeken

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theo raeken
[wc: 1214]

"I'm telling you! There's something off about him!" I rolled my eyes at Stiles' babbling.

"What's he on about?" Malia walked up to us by a locker.

"Theo." Scott rolled his eyes with an exasperated sigh. "Look, we aren't going to trust him right away but we can't just assume things either."

Just by the sound of his name made me smile. Theo and I have been seeing each other behind everyone's back. I was out of town for the summer with my family when I saw him, the kid that stole my orange juice in second grade. We bonded and started hanging out. Once we left, I thought it was going to be the end of whatever we have. That was until I found out that he was coming back to Beacon Hills.

Nonetheless, I rolled my eyes,"Stiles. I am sure you have a point but we really can not pretend to not acknowledge him. He's trying to help."

The bell rang and Scott looked at Stiles. "No digging around. You got that? It's senior year, we have to make this work."

Stiles didn't make it until lunch time until her brought it up again to me. "Pst. Y/N."

"No, Stiles." I sighed as I turned around to get a table to sit at. The rest seemed to be busy inside the school so it was only Stiles and I.

"You didn't even let me speak!" He groaned before sitting down across from me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What was that?"

"So I was thinking what if-"

"Oh, yeah. no!" I cut him off beginning to eat my food.

Stiles sighed deeply, clearly annoyed. "Please. Just come with me tonight to where they found Tracy. If you don't come, I'm going alone."

He knew how to get me to come. I would never tell on anyone in the pack but Stiles could get in trouble if he goes by himself. "Fine! Now go away before I change my mind."

"But you're my only frie-" He realized my glowing yellow eyes and put his hands up in surrender. "Away. Got it."

I continued eating before the seat across from me was occupied again. "Well, you're too pretty to be eating all by yourself."

My gaze went up and met his blue eyes. "Well, I just needed the right company." He chuckled softly before stealing a French fry.

"What did Stiles want?" He asked curiously.

I shrugged and sighed. "He still thinks you're the bad guy."

Theo laughed,"Does anyone believe him?" I shook my head with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's Stiles we're talking about here." The bell rang loudly through the cafeteria. "Well, I better go."

Theo stood up ready to leave to his class before he turned back to me kissing me softly then going away. Oh, that boy.


"Okay, so I dug up something on Theo to show that he is hiding something." Stiles did not last a minute before talking once I got into the jeep.

I groaned internally as I put on my seatbelt. "Why did I agree to this?"

"Because you care about me too much to let me die by myself. Anyways! Look at these signatures." He pulled out two pieces of papers and pointed to the signature on the bottom.

"Wow, he must be horrible. Not dotting his 'i'. Plus, that's his parents signature, what's wrong with that?"

"They're different." Stiles looked at me as if it was obvious and pointed to the two again.

"Stiles, start the car before I jump out." He didn't hesitate before started the jeep and driving off quickly, probably scared that I would jump out while he drove.

We arrived to Tracy's investigation site and parked quite far away from it. "Okay, stick together." Stiles murmured lowly before turning around to me.

I could smell someone scent, probably from last night's incident. "I'll follow the scent." Before he could protest, I sprinted off to the scent.

I passed buildings and more building before coming up to a warehouse. There was no sound of anything. Cautiously, I walked in slowly. The scent was fading away lightly before I turned a corner barely enough to see 4 shadows.

I moved back behind the wall holding my position up against the well.

"I need more time! I will not settle for what I have now. It's the McCall pack I want, that's what I'm going to get." That voice. I would have recognized it anywhere. Theo. There was a babble of static sounds. "I killed my own sister for this, I won't let it go to waste."

My breath hitched, there was now denying it was Theo. I couldn't believe it, all this time u defended him. Put in a good word for him. He was using me.

The warehouse got quiet, and before I knew it I was pinned up against a wall. Theo's eyes glowed before realizing something and going back to their natural blue. "Y-Y/N. What are you-"

He didn't finish his sentence as thrashed in his hold to get out of it. "Let me go!" I screamed at him, although we were both werewolves he was still much stronger than me.

His hand were retracted and I felt the ground beneath my shoes once again. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at the guy I once loved and gave all of my heart to. "Y/N, I can explain. Okay? Just let me explain."

"Oh, please. I would love to hear about how you killed your own sister. How you pretended to love me when you were using me to get closer to Scott. How you played all of us into thinking about letting you in." It took all of my might to not tackle him right then and there, but I knew I couldn't do it alone.

"But I fell in love with you! I got distracted, I felt as if I didn't need any of this anymore. Just you. Y/N, I'm bad at this. Please." In his eyes, you could tell he meant it, part of it. He was still lying.

"You're bad at this? Look at me! I fell in love with the bad guy. You are going to go back to doing whatever you're planning and forget this happened. But I have to go on knowing that I was in love with that." A low growl escaped my lips before I turned to the exit not being able to be with him one more second.

Theo got in my way, eyes watering and in pain. "Please. I love you. I really do. I might be bad at love but I know I made the right choice."

"I don't love you, and I regret making the choice of ever loving you." I pushed past him with cloudy vision. Yet, I ran.

I ran to where I had left Stiles. Tears were now dried up but my eyes were puffy and red. Once Stiles saw me his expression changed.

"Hey, hey. What happened? What's wrong?" His arms extended out to me but I couldn't stand anything at the moment. I got into his jeep with him following.

"You're right. Theo is up to something and we need to stop him before he does something."

[This was crappy, I'm sorry]

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