hold on | dean winchester

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[hold on for dear love
-bridgit mendler]

dean winchester
[wc: 580]

Someone once said that love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.

Maybe, like the wind, it goes away quickly too. At least, that's what it felt like when it came to Dean. It's only been a year of ups and downs with the Winchester and we've already gotten to our lowest.

I laid on the bed of the hotel we were staying at and just watched the fan flow around. Dean and I had gotten into a fight right before he left. I regret every word, but then I remember his words that stung me as well.


"Stay out of it, Y/N." Dean mumbled while stuffing a bag with food.

I followed behind him not dropping the subject. "No. I won't drop it! I need to know the truth Dean. You didn't meet me by coincidence, did you?"

He turned around to look at me,"Y/N. For your sake, just drop it. I have to focus on what is important right now, not about when we first met."

"On what is important?" A scoff escaped my lips. "You know that my whole life was flipped upside down when I met you? And to stay with you I kept sacrificing important people."

For a second, you could see a flash of hurt in his eyes, but as quickly as it showed it was gone. "Then maybe I should save you the trouble and leave!"

"Maybe you should!" And just like that, he was gone. Of course he was coming back for his things. But I live in constant fear that everytime he leaves, might be his last time.


How could I be so stupid? I know I have some fire left in me and I won't let it end this way. It's okay if he leaves because I know that I tried my best in this.

It wasn't fair to him. How could it when I was using him as a punching bag to express myself? But I know that it is worth it to fight.

My thoughts came to a stop as I heard the door open. Nothing but silence filled the room while he arrived. The bed dipped next to me, making me aware of his presence on the bed. Nothing but silence.

"I'm sorry." I choked out the words trying not to break down in front of him.

"No. You shouldn't be. I should have answered you. I'm the one who's sorry. For hiding things, thinking you can't protect yourself, flipping your life upside down-"

"No, Dean. You didn't flip my life upside down." My position shifted so I could look at him. "You did the opposite. Without you, I'm not sure where I'd be right now. Probably back at that old pub serving drinks with an angry mother."

His green eyes met mine as a soft smile made its way on his lips. "It wasn't a coincidence, but I'd call it luck. Luck that you have even stayed with me. I told you I'd never leave you, and I'm thinking about keeping that promise. I'm sorry."

It didn't take long before our lips were on one another in a sweet and passionate kiss. "You know I love you right? And I won't stop fighting for you." At that moment I knew that I didn't care if I left everything behind, because the man in front of me, Dean Winchester, was the one I wanted to spend life with.

[I kinda love Dean Winchester and Bridgit Mendler so ye]

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