liam dunbar | puppy love | R

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liam dunbar
[wc: 549]

Scott called forth a pack meeting. Since we haven't had one at my house yet, I volunteered to have the pack meeting at my house. Everyone arrived in about thirty minutes, including my boyfriend, Liam.

"Okay good. Everyone is here and we're all good." Scott said clapping his hands and sitting on the single couch. "What? No snacks? Or drinks?" Stiles asked looking around at the pack as they agreed. Scott stared at him sternly before looking back at me apologetically. "Can you maybe-?" "Yep, I'll be back." I smiled softly, getting off the couch. "I'll go help her." Liam muttered as he followed me.

"They're so cute together." Kira awed to Scott thinking that they were gone. "We're werewolves, Kira." I shouted out making Kira widen her eyes a bit and blush.

We were now in the kitchen when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Hi." He whispered kissing my cheek. I chuckled a bit turning around to wrap my arms around his neck. "Hi." I leaned in to kiss him softly before letting go and turning around to the pantry. "Just one?" The blue eyed boy pouted at you. "Just one what?" "Kiss." He rolled his eyes still pouting. I chuckled at him but nodded,"Yes. Just one." Liam sighed before helping bring out the snacks and drinks to the living room.

"Here you go. Are you needs satisfied yet, Stiles?" My eyes averted to Stiles, who already had a cookie in his mouth. He quickly ate the cookie then nodded. "Actually, yes. Thank you." Scott shook his head before clapping again. "Let's get back to business."

While he spoke, I cuddled into Liam's side with his arms wrapped around my waist. His chin perched onto of my head as I fiddled with his fingers. "What do you puppies think?" Stiles asked breaking my focus from Liam.

"We're only a few years apart, not children." I glared at the sarcastic boy.

"At your age, I wasn't even in a relationship!"

"So you're jealous?" Liam raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

"No? Why would I be jealous? I bet you guys can't even do anything. Just hold hands and talk about your wedding." Stiles said making his voice girly.

Liam shrugged, "We can do this." The blue eyed boy ended his sentence by placing his lips on mine softly. I caught on and kissed him back right away.

Stiles cleared his throat,"Uhm. Okay, I think we get it."

Liam placed his hands on my hips as my arms wrapped around his neck to deepen the kiss. One by one, the pack exited the uncomfortable situation by going back home quickly.

I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at him widely. "It's not puppy love."

Liam chuckled kissing my forehead,"I know it isn't."

We sat there on the couch eating the snacks that the rest left behind when they went home. Together, we watched a movie as we cuddled with each other.

"You know I love you right?" Liam asked out of the blue.

I nodded softly and looked at him. "I do."

"And that no matter what Stiles, or Scott, or anyone says-I know that what we have is real."

"Liam, I love you too."

[It sucks, I know. BuT I Hope you liked some of it. Thank you for requesting!]

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