skam ¡ insta

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Liked by evanmohn2, jonas9000, loglady99, and 198 morechrisschistad my homies

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Liked by evanmohn2, jonas9000, loglady99, and 198 more
my homies

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loglady99 i ship it

(Y/U) thanks for the picture credits. oh wait, tHERe iSnT AnY?¿!!?

stas_a_vaere_chris WoWOW im in love 😍

jonas900 you're hot (;

chrisschistad you didn't deserve it (Y/U)

isakyaki it's okay (Y/U) I'll give you picture credits (:

(Y/U) awe, thanks buddy isakyaki

Liked by (Y/U), Jonas9000, evamohn2, and 219 moreisakyaki O-G buddy pc: (Y/U)

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Liked by (Y/U), Jonas9000, evamohn2, and 219 more
isakyaki O-G buddy
pc: (Y/U)

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evamohn2 i lobe chu

(Y/U) "o-g" and whAt Am I? a pIecE of tRash?

sana_bakkoush awe cute

magnussonwilliam chris and i are cuter

loglady99 anyone is cuter than Chris and you

chrisschistad if you are trash, how about i take you out sometime? (Y/U)

jonas9000 I feel left out

ellevillevillde you said your fish died and couldn't help me with my club ): evamohn2

loglady99 did he just..? chrisschistad (Y/U)

(Y/U) 🚪 leave please chrisschistad

evamohn2 he did die! isak was helping me mourn, yeah!

chisschistad haters

Liked by loglady99, sana_bakkoush, and 231 more (Y/U) they're too cute

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Liked by loglady99, sana_bakkoush, and 231 more
they're too cute

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loglady99 should've draw on her face

ellevillevillde i don't remember that day

magnussonwilliam did you sit on them to take this picture?
  chrisschistad that's hot

sana_bakkoush i look ugly

evamohn2 LIes sana_bakkoush

evamohn2 also, you were the one who drew on my face before. Aren't you? loglady99

isakyaki why don't I get cuddled like that ):

(Y/U) I would cuddle you like that. but I'm not an O-G sooo isakyaki

chisschistad you can cuddle me like that (:

loglady99 it was only once, I swear. And it was an accident evamohn2

magnussonwilliam I feel betrayed chisschistad

[i wanna do more of these so and also i miss skam.
Y/U = your username]

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