selective | long way home

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[Selective Imagines are imagines in which you get to choose the character that you want the imagine to be about]

[wc: 634]

I sat on the top of the slide looking at (b/f) as he played random tunes on his guitar. It's a Friday and we are in the old school yard again. The old school yard was the place only (b/f) and I shared. We confessed our feelings here, he asked me out here, our first date was here, and our first kiss was here. Our relationship was basically built here.

"What's on your mind?" His voice snapped me back to reality. I felt his hand intertwine with mine. Looking down at our hands, I smiled,"Us." He scoots closer to me so there is no space between our frames. "Is that good?" "Very." I smiled up at him. We both leaned in smiling at each other. Once our lips touched, a wave of tingles washed over me. The kiss was short but passionate. He kept leaning in further, making me fall back in the slide. "(B/f/n), we're going to fall back." I mumble on his smiling lips. He smirks pushing me back further more. Suddenly, we're both slipping down the slide; I'm on my back and he's laying on top. "(B/f)!" I laugh as I playfully pushed him off of me. He pulls me up with him as we are both laughing loudly. His lips meet mines once again while he peppered small kisses on my lips.

There was a loud crunch from the corner of one of the buildings in the school. Our heads turn to see a flashlight shinning at us. My mouth falls open in surprise as the person holding the flashlight calls out,"Hey. You two! Stop there, you aren't supposed to be here!" Quickly, (B/f) runs to get his guitar then takes my hand and runs for the crack in the fence from where we entered. We both smile and laugh as we keep running to his car. He unlocks his car and opens the door for me before getting into his seat and drives off. The car was filled with laughter and the sound of the both of us catching our breaths.

"That was crazy." He smiled goofily at me. "It was stupid," I smile back shaking my head. A few minutes into the drive I noticed that we were going on another route. "I thought we were going home?" I asked. The streetlight turned red and he turned,"We are. But we are taking the long way home." My hand intertwines with his once again as I turn up the volume of the radio with my other hand. We sang the words along to the song loudly while we drove through the neighborhood. At stop signs, he would turn to me and kiss my lips once again. We managed to hit every red light which only made the night longer.

Sooner or later, he stopped near the side of the rode and sighed. I smiled up at him knowingly,"We're lost aren't we?" "Yup." He chuckled and turned off the headlights. My head shook in playful disapproval,"We are literally in the middle of nowhere." We both laughed at the situation we were in. He took his phone out since I left mine at home. Right as he got onto his gps, the phone died. "Great." He threw his phone in the console between us in frustration. I put his phone to charge then grabbed his hand in mine. "Hey, it's okay. We'll charge your phone then we will see how to get home." He smiled down at me as he looked in my eyes. Our lips touched for a short period before he pulled away. Foreheads touching, hand in hand, with eye contact, he whispered meaningfully,"I love you so much." I smiled up at him. "I love you too."

[Short but I originally wrote this one and the next one for a friend so yeaa.

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