Chapter 6

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"do you want anything to drink?" Josh asked Tyler once they were in the kitchen. Tyler was sitting at the counter quietly, hitting his foot against the side rhythmically.

"what do you have?" Tyler asked him.

"oh... uhh.." Josh started, opening the fridge, "we have coke. and orange juice and lemonade."

Tyler smiled. "i like lemonade," he told Josh. he hadn't had it in a while, but whenever his grandfather would visit they would go pick lemons together and make fresh squeezed lemonade. those were some of his favorite memories.

Josh couldn't help smiling back. "me too. we can take it upstairs with the pizza," he said as he grabbed some paper plates and the bottle of lemonade. he also picked up the boxes of pizza with his other hand, juggling it all as he went upstairs with Tyler.

"do you need help?" Tyler asked as they climbed up the stairs.

"nope. you're not lifting a finger, Tyler," Josh said as they approached the door to his bedroom. "but uh.." he cleared his throat awkwardly. "could you the door please?"

Tyler laughed and pushed the door open, holding it for Josh as he went in and shutting it behind them.

"so do you wanna go back to watching netflix, or do you wanna do something else?" Josh asked Tyler as he set down the boxes of pizza and the lemonade.

"i don't know, let's just talk" Tyler suggested, taking a plate.

"okay," Josh said. "also...i just realized that i forgot to get cups. be right back, okay?" then he dashed out the door and down the stairs, determined not to leave Tyler any longer than he had to.

Tyler giggled to himself. Josh wouldn't have been able to carry the cups on top of all that other stuff he had anyway.

Tyler opened the box of of pizza, the smells wafting up to his nose. this was weird. Tyler hadn't actually wanted to eat anything in so long. but Josh made him feel different. not a bad different. a good different.

he took one slice and set it on his plate, then he waited for Josh to come back upstairs.

Josh came bursting back into the room, clutching a bag of paper cups and hastily sitting down next to Tyler.

"i'm so sorry that took so long," he told Tyler. "i couldn't find the cups."

"Josh, that was literally 20 seconds."

"ah, that's 20 seconds too long!"

"oh my God, you dork."

"thank you!"

"not a compliment," Tyler said with a cute grin.

"so did you think about what you're going to be for halloween?" Josh asked Tyler, taking a slice of pizza.

"not really, but someone told me that i'd make a really hot skeleton," Tyler looked at Josh with a slight smirk. "so i might just do that," he said, taking a small bite out of his own pizza. woah. there's actual food in his mouth now. weird.

"it's true," Josh said good-naturedly, taking two cups and filling them with lemonade. he handed one to Tyler. "so anyway, for Carl's halloween party, we were thinking about inviting Adam and Chris maybe."

Tyler slowly nodded, trying to match these names to faces, but had no luck.

"Adam and Chris are in our math class," Josh told him. "i'm sure you've seen Adam before and didn't know it, but Chris doesn't talk much. you'll like them. Adam can be a little wild though, as compared to Chris, who's definitely a lot more soft spoken. i still don't even understand how their relationship works out," Josh shook his head. Tyler nodded, not necessarily worrying too much about who was going to be at the party; he just liked listening to Josh babble.

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