Chapter 12

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you don't think he actually loves you, do you? what a pathetic little bitch. he doesn't give a single-

would ya shut up? we've been over this. Josh loves me. i love him. you don't matter. goodbye. go torment a squirrel or something.


Tyler's alarm blared, scaring the crap out of him and almost making him fall off his bed. he yawned, squinting his eyes to look at the time. what day even was it?

oh yeah. monday. school. great joy.

Tyler grudgingly got up and went into the bathroom. he came out and got dressed and darted downstairs and grabbed a bagel. then he raced back upstairs to work on some lyrics that had been in the back of his head for a while. Josh had sparked something new in Tyler, and he couldn't wait to write it.

"i don't care what's in your hair
i just wanna know what's on your mind
i used to say i wanna die before i'm old
but because of you i might think twice"
Song up there ⬆

Tyler smiled to himself and went back downstairs, said a quick goodbye to his mom, and then wheeled his bike out of the garage. he put his headphones on and started on his way to school, humming along with his music.

he couldn't stop thinking about Josh. even though he had pretty much been with him the whole weekend, he couldn't wait to see him again.

a good different, indeed.


at lunch, Tyler got out of his anatomy class as quickly as he could, hoping that Josh was already at the table. he smiled when he saw that he was.

"hey ty!" Josh greeted Tyler as he approached the table. seated at the table, talking and laughing, were Josh, Chris, Adam, Carl, Ian, Alex and Devin. they all looked up when Tyler sat down next to Josh, who gave him a long, passionate kiss on the cheek.

"hi." Tyler blushed at Josh's openness. he shyly waved to the other guys at the table.

"wait, so you guys are together now?" Devin asked them.

"yeah man, they've been together." Carl told him.

"well since like, saturday," Josh said.

"why was i not informed of this?" Devin waved his plastic fork around.

"dude, they didn't even have to tell're just oblivious as fuck," Carl explained.

"aha..." Adam leaned forward, a serious expression on his face. "so tell me, have you guys-"

"decided what you're going to be for halloween?" Chris interrupted rather loudly.

Adam pouted. "i always get cut off."

"that's because no one wants to hear all the shit you have going on in your head," Carl retorted.

"no, we haven't had sex yet Adam," Josh answered him, causing Adam to snicker. "and for halloween, we're both gonna be skeletons." Tyler raised an eyebrow.

"wait, we are?"

"yeah," Josh replied. "i thought it could be cool if we twinned."

Tyler smiled. "sweet," he said.

"guys i have an announcement," Carl stood up solemnly. "i have officially decided that for halloween, i am going to be a badass bass player"

"don't you fucking dare," Ian blushing.

"you are not," Alex looked at him in disbelief.

Carl smirked at them. "you bet your ass i am," he said. "and no one shall stop me. i've already got the Bass and everything."

"jesus christ," Devin shook his head and turned to Adam. "i'm honestly scared to ask this, but Adam, what are you gonna be?"

"a dick."

"no he's not." Chris sighed. "he's gonna be a Anime girl or something."

"God, you guys are just-fuck, just show up to Carl's party in whatever the hell you want. i'm not even gonna ask anymore." Devin turned his attention back to his salad.

Josh put his arm around Tyler, who was listening to their conversation in amusement. "babe, you should eat something," he whispered.

Tyler sighed uncomfortably. finally he gave in. "fine, i'll get something. i'll be right back." Tyler hastily got up and went into the cafeteria.

"babe," Adam snickered. "you guys are so cute."

Josh smirked. "yeah, i know."

Tyler returned with chicken nuggets from the cafeteria. Carl sneakily swiped one from his tray as he sat back down.

they all continued to eat, and when the lunch period was over, the group migrated back into the building.

they stood in the hallway for a second. "so," Adam addressed them all. "i'll be seeing you fuckers in the group chat?"

everyone groaned. "hell no," Devin said.

Tyler looked confused. "group chat?"

"don't worry about it," Josh told him. "you'll find out soon enough."

they all went their seperate ways. when the school day ended, Tyler got his bike from the rack and rode home, listening to music again. he couldn't help but smile to himself at how great things were going. Tyler hadn't felt this truly happy in a long time.

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