Chapter 7

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Tyler woke up with a yawn, stretching a little as he tried to remember where he was. he felt something warm and soft curled up next to him. what the hell? he looked under the covers. oh yeah, Josh. he was with Josh.

he was at Josh's house, where he had listened to Josh play drums and held his hand and cuddled with him and made out with him and ate a lot of pizza and told him that he liked him and slept in the same bed with him.

yeah. Josh definitely made Tyler feel a good kind of different. he could get used to it.

Tyler didn't want to wake Josh up, but he also didn't want to just sit there in bed. so he watched him sleep for what seemed like forever, but was probably only 30 seconds. was he being weird? was he being a pervert or something, by watching him sleep?

Tyler sat up straighter, pushing Josh off of him a little bit. oops.

"huh?" Josh slowly stirred and opened his eyes, a confused expression on his face. he smiled when Tyler's face entered his field of vision. "good morning, Ty."

"good morning, Josh."

Josh sat up and kind of sat in a daze for a moment. "did you sleep well?"

"yeah, i did," Tyler said. "how about you?"

"it was kind of hard not to sleep well with you all pressed up against me," Josh said with a sleepy grin. Tyler blushed and ran his fingers through his hair. "so, do you know when you have to leave?" Josh continued.

Tyler sighed and looked around for his phone. he didn't want to leave Josh, ever. sometimes, Tyler felt like he didn't even belong in his own home. but he felt like he belonged with Josh. wherever Josh was is where Tyler felt he should be.

he found his phone and checked the time. it was 10:03 a.m. "uh, my mom didn't specify. it's a little late for breakfast though..." he said.

"no such thing." Josh rolled out of bed and went to his closet, where he grabbed a sweater and a pair of black jeans for Tyler and threw them towards him. "here, you can wear these out." he grabbed some clothes for himself also.

"where are we going?"

"i'm gonna text the guys and see if they want to go to the mall or something. we can all eat there." Tyler nodded and wriggled into Josh's clothes, then he made his way over to the bathroom.


once they were ready, Tyler quickly texted his mom that he was going to eat with Josh.

they went downstairs, where Josh's mom was in the kitchen. she smiled at the two boys entering the kitchen.

"good morning honey," she kissed the top of Josh's head. "sleep well?"

Josh's cheeks turned a little pink. "yeah," he said, hoping his mom didn't notice.

mrs. Dun turned to Tyler, who was shyly standing a little bit behind Josh. "you must be Tyler," she said, pulling him in for a hug. Tyler tried not to make an surprised 'oomph' noise when she embraced him. he wasn't used to strangers hugging him. he awkwardly hugged back.

"what a handsome boy you are!" she said, standing back to look at Tyler. "but you're so skinny. you have to let me cook for you one day."

Tyler tried not to laugh. this was weird, but amusing. "that would be wonderful, mrs. Dun."

"please, call me laura, or mama Dun. mrs. Dun is my mother," she said with another smile. "anyway, Josh wouldn't stop talking about how great you are, it was Tyler this and Tyler that and he practically begged me to let you come over."

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