Chapter 2

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Tyler was running through an abyss of darkness. He ran as fast as he could, the evil snapping at his feet. He ran until he felt like he was going to collapse and stopped to catch his breath.

As Tyler keeled over, sputtering and gasping for air, he suddenly found himself at the lake.

But blurryface had caught up with him. He was standing right on the other side of the lake, his red eyes glowing dangerously. His maniacal cackle echoed across the water.

Tyler stood there, petrified, wishing for someone.

Wishing for a friend to save him from himself.

Out of nowhere, Tyler felt a warm, gentle touch on his shoulder. He turned around. It was Josh.

Josh was quiet, staring at Tyler, his brown eyes giving a look that said follow me. Come with me. Be my friend.

But blurryface, not to be forgotten, started to make his way across the lake, which started to turn blood red as soon as he touched the water.

And Tyler was being pulled in.

And he was screaming.

And blurry was laughing again.

But Josh was holding on to him firmly, not letting him go. as if to say, i can't live without you.

But blurryface was stronger, and Tyler couldn't live without blurryface.

Tyler fearfully let go of Josh's hand, and was yanked into the bloody lake, the thought of Josh's urgent brown eyes permanently etched into his memory.


Tyler jerked awake, his heart beating rapidly, to find that he was drenched in sweat.

Remembering the vivid events of his nightmare, he almost began to hyperventilate.

He couldn't go back to the lake, not now. Not ever. And he couldn't be friends with Josh, either.

Tyler looked at the the blinking red alarm clock on his bedside table. It was 2:43 in the morning.

Breathing heavily, he reached his hand out and turned the clock the other way. Red glowing in the dark just reminded him of blurryface's evil eyes.

Tyler sighed and closed his eyes, sitting up in bed.

What if he did become friends with Josh?

Eventually he would have to choose between him and blurryface. and Tyler couldn't live without blurryface.

Without him, there was nothing to keep him from being alone.

Without blurryface, Tyler was nothing.

Unless, of course, he replaced blurryface's spot as his only friend with Josh.

He thought about this for a little while.

What would happen if Tyler got rid of blurryface? What would Tyler be? He would have to make an identity all over again. He would have to be someone.

Maybe Josh could help him do that.

Josh seemed to have a lot of character. his wild, curly hair was dyed red, he had a nose ring, and he had small gauges in his ears.

Tyler couldn't help but think that Josh was truly beautiful.

Regardless of his lack of character, there were still things that Tyler wanted to do but never did, because he only listened to blurryface.

For instance, Tyler wanted to be a musician, right? Well, he didn't even play any instruments, so that was going splendidly. He wasn't even doing anything now but sitting in bed like an idiot.

So maybe he could try to write something. It might be worthless, but it could be liberating, or whatever.

He reached across to his bedside table and picked up an old journal that his grandfather gave to him.

Tyler's grandpa might have been the only one that Tyler knew he truly loved, and who truly loved him. But he was gone now.

He'd always told Tyler to be himself. but Tyler hadn't known who he was, and still didn't really know.

With these thoughts lingering in his mind, Tyler opened his journal and began to write whatever came to his head. Or maybe it was what was in his head all along, all he knew is that it wouldn't make sense to anyone but him.

"I wake up fine and dandy
but then by the time I find it handy
to rip my heart apart and start planning my crash landing.
I go up up up up up to the ceiling
then I feel my soul start leaving,
like an old man's hair receding.
I'm pleading 'please oh please'
on my knees repeatedly asking why it's got to be like this, is this living free?
I don't want to be the one who has the sun's blood on my hands
I'll tell the moon,
take this weapon forged in darkness
some see a pen, I see a harpoon."

Tyler stopped writing. His hand was aching. He didn't know he could write stuff so easily, maybe he had more character than he thought.

Whatever. it was probably dumb, anyway. 

Tyler sighed and wrote some more.

"I'll stay awake
'cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight.
why am I not scared in the morning?
I don't hear those voices calling.
I must have kicked them out.
I must have kicked them out.
I swear I heard demons yelling, those crazy words they were spelling.
They told me I was gone.
They told me I was gone
but I'll tell them,
why won't you let me go?
Do i threaten all your plans?
I'm insignificant.
Please tell them,
You have no plans for me.
I will set my soul on fire.
what have I become?
I'm sorry."

Once he felt like he was finished, Tyler was suddenly tired. He didn't care what the time was.

He closed the journal and put it back on his bedside table. Tomorrow was going to be interesting.

What with Tyler's new outlook on life and Josh's awkward friendliness, tomorrow was going to be quite interesting indeed.

As far as he was concerned, Tyler was going to find himself.

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