Chapter One: Explaining The Prisoners

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Clarke stomped back to the Rover.
"Are the guns loaded?" She asked Madi.
"I'm trying!" Madi cried. Clarke started helping her. "What's going on? I thought those were your friends! Who are they?" Clarke took some ammo to full the gun that was connected to the rover.
"I don't know... I read something somewhere about a prisoner transport with that same logo on it: Eligius... A mining company. Long story short, that pod is full of dangerous night bloods from over a hundred years ago."
"If it's over a hundred years old, shouldn't everyone on it be dead?" Madi asked. Clarke paused at the thought. Suddenly, she grabbed her rifle and stopped loading the gun on the rover.
"Let's go find out." She said and they started walking to the landing site.


Clarke and Madi hid together in the cover of the trees and bushes. They've been watching the ship for over an hour and no one has come out.
"Maybe no one's home." Madi suggested. But Clarke thought about her first day on the ground.

"Stop!" Clarke yelled at the figure, ready to open the drop ship door as she climbed down the latter. The figure turned towards her as she stepped forward and warned, "The air could be toxic."
"If the air is toxic, we're all dead anyway." The figure, a man with slicked back hair and guards jacket, said.
"Bellamy?" A voice said softly, almost in disbelief...

Clarke shook her head, bringing herself out of her thoughts.
"No. Their deciding whether to come out or not. We'll see their decision soon." She decided, then looked at Madi with a smile. "Meanwhile, how about we go back to the rover and eat what your traps caught, eh?" Madi nodded with a grin and they left.


Clarke and Madi came back to the spot they used to be at to watch the ship. They even spent the night there. It wasn't till about mid morning that they saw the front of the ship start to open. Clarke had already woken up and watched it start when she woke Madi up too. The front opened and the first thing they saw was a burst of air. Then, a couple people stepped forward. Then a few more. Before they knew it, a whole group had stepped out of the ship.

She wasn't the first out of the ship, but she stood towards the entrance when they opened the doors. As soon as the sight of green filled her sights, so did the fresh sent of Earth fill her nose. She still smelled the gases and fumes and the overall natural aroma of metal- but now there was a freshness she hadn't smelt in ages. She felt she had forgot was fresh smelt like.

Earth wasn't how she remembered it though.
"Where's the fences?" Someone asked.
"Yeah, I don't see any guards!"
"Did they drop us in a forest and just hoped we wouldn't find a way out?"
"What if it's like that old book The Hunger Games and they're is like, an invisible shield or something!"
"Don't be an idiot!"

The people talked amongst themselves as she walked off the ship, into the grass, and sunk to her knees. She laid her hands on the dewy grass and gripped it.
"Hey, you!" A guy walked up. She looked up at him.
"What do you want?" She demand, standing to face him.
"I wanna know the name of the woman that challenged me. You kinda embarrassed me in there, you know."
"If you weren't so big headed, you wouldn't have looked like an idiot. I didn't say, 'let's do nothing' I said, 'let's wait for someone to get us' and you were the one that insisted we all try to break out. Who do you think they were going to listen too?" She narrowed her small, dark, brown eyes. The guy narrowed his icy blue eyes.
"I just came for a name, not a lecture. I got enough of those after I was conviced." He spat. She thought for a moment on what to say.
"Sarah." She said. "Sarah Obourn."
"I'm Johnathan McCullen."
"Well, Johnny-"
"Don't call me that-"
"If guards don't show up soon, what do you suggest we do to survive?"
"Oh, so now you're going to act friendly to me?"
"I wouldn't call it that. It's just that we seemed to have been dropped in the wrong area and who knows when the government will come get us. We need a plan."
"If they come for us at all."
"Sarah, let's get something straight. You may be okay with spending your life in a cell, but I'm not. I only came over to ask your name, and tell you to stay out of my way. Got it?" He smiled mockingly. Sarah didn't respond beyond a glare. "Good." Johnathan said and pushed passed her. The wind blew her black hair into her face.

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