Chapter Seven: Friend or Foe?

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Octavia held a meeting. Only Bellamy, Clarke, Sarah, and Raven were allowed to be there with her in her tent. They stood around a round table together. Going to each person's right, it went Octavia, Clarke, Bellamy, Raven, Sarah, and back to Octavia.
"He was found like that?" Raven asked with a focused look and arms crossed, asking about Ryan. Octavia nodded.
"He was found at his post which means it's safe to assume the prisoners know they're being watched." Octavia looked at Clarke who looked blankly at the table, obviously, deep in thought. Bags were dark under her eyes and she looked pale, almost sick. Octavia felt sympathy. Loosing a parent- especially the only one you had- was hard. Of all people, Bellamy and Octavia understood that much. "Are you okay to deal with this?" She asked, grabbing Clarke's attention. Clarke looked at Octavia's worried expression and blinked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She nodded.
"You sure? Cause we can continue this tomorrow-"
"I said I'm fine." Clarke said. Her voice was rather soft. Despite wanting to protest, Octavia didn't push. Bellamy felt worry wash over him as well. Clarke looked like she could collapse any second and it worried him a lot. "Anyway, we need to deal with these people. Sarah, got any bright ideas?" Clarke asked, making everyone look at her, curious.
"Well..." She sighed and glanced at the ground, before back up to Clarke's eyes. "Octavia said their water source is that river not far from the drop ship. If we can make some sort of blockade, it might get their attention enough to get them to talk a truce." Sarah tried.
"Peace talks?" Raven raised an eye brow, reluctant.
"Well, what's wrong with that?" Sarah asked.
"Peace talks don't work." Clarke said flatly, remembering Finn and Mount Weather.
"No, I think it might." Bellamy spoke up. "We can't do a blockade- not at first anyway. We need to come across like we are actually trying for peace. A blockade of their only water source could start a full out war."
"Maybe we should have a war." Clarke clenched her fist. I won't loose anyone else, she thought. Bellamy looked at her, completely shocked.
"I say we wipe them out." She said bluntly. Sarah felt her blood run cold. Did that include her? Raven, Octavia, and Bellamy exchanged looks.
"Clarke, I think you need some rest. You're not thinking clearly." Bellamy went to hold her shoulders so he could lead her out to were she could rest but she shook his hands off and faced him.
"I AM thinking clearly." She stated with intense and focused eyes. "They tried to kill me and Madi! I am NOT letting them come NEAR ANYONE I care about!"
"They were scared and confused, Clarke! Think back to when we first got to the ground."
"Bellamy, don't-"
"How many people would still be alive if the grounders actually tried interacting with us and originally tried to talk peace?"
"Oh, like you would've listened to them." She scoffed. The room got quiet. Bellamy was slight hurt.
"I did what I did to-"
"To protect your sister, yeah, we know." She rolled her eyes. "But the one grounder who also wanted to protect her was brought to the drop ship and tortured by you!"
"I didn't know what he was doing!" Bellamy raised his voice at her. "And if I hadn't done that, Finn would have died from the poison knife Lincoln stuck in his side! Last time I checked, Princess, you were pretty damn grateful for what I did!"
"Enough!" Octavia yelled. Clarke and Bellamy kept their glares locked on each other. "The both of you, shut up! Clarke, go get some rest. We'll talk in the morning." To this, Clarke looked at her.
"Go!" She glared. Clarke sighed and stormed out, leaving the tent quiet for a moment. It was unlike Clarke, yes, but she was tired and didn't see the point in arguing. Octavia breathed deeply. "Bellamy, keep an eye on her. We'll continue this in the morning when she's not completely crazy."
"Got it." He nodded and walked out.
"Sarah, I doubt you'll run off so just go get some rest. You know where to go."
"Yes, Ma'am." Sarah bowed awkwardly and walked out, leaving Octavia and Raven alone together.
"...Do you want me to leave, too?" Raven asked. Octavia relaxed her body from her normal straight posture and slowly trudged over to her bed to sit and kick off her shoes, lazily.
"If you want, I don't mind either way. Really, I wouldn't mind talking to you. I just couldn't deal with my brother or Clarke right now- not to mention Sarah."
"Don't trust her?" Raven stayed where she stood but let her arms relax to her sides.
"I don't trust anyone." She said honestly before removing her jacket- revealing her shoulder tattoo. "But I could still talk to you on less headache inducing topics." She smirked at her own joke.
"Such as?" Raven didn't laugh but no offense was taken by Octavia. Instead, she smiled and looked up in Raven's eyes.
"Hey, Raven. How was your day?" She started. Raven smiled and started limping towards Octavia to sit by her.
"Crap." She laughed and sat.

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