Chapter 12: Pending

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Octavia was talking with a few loyal onekru men about rations and hunting parties when Raven limped in. She wore a new outfit- plain black tank top, blue wind breaker jacket, and black pants that fitted her well and made sliding her brace on, easy. It was amazing, how long she managed to keep those old boots... or did she just find a better pair on the ark?

Upon seeing Raven, she shooed everyone else out of the tent and walked up so she could whisper,
"Hey, are you okay?" Octavia was a little concerned about Ravens pain level, seeing her expression so focused and serious.
"Oh, yeah." Raven blew off. "I'm fine. Ever since Primfaya, I haven't been tortured, blown up, mind controlled, or had my brain almost melted. So, I'd say my future's looking up!" She joked, crossing her arms and smiling. Octavia laughed.
"I'm glad. So, since you're okay, what's up?" She asked, nonchalantly. Raven shifted, uncomfortably.
"Have you seen Echo lately?" Raven whispered, getting close to Octavia's face. Octavia took a second to consider and run through her thoughts.
"No... not for a few days... why?"
"No one else has seen her either." Raven said, dead serious. Octavia felt her heart start to beat faster. Stress started to rise.
"What the hell do you mean no one has seen her?" Octavia almost glared. This wasn't something that could be joked about.
"I mean, she's missing." Raven explained. "I told Bellamy immediately that I couldn't find her. He said to keep calm, tell Monty, Murphy, Emori, and Harper and see if we can find her before reporting her to you."
"Why would you not say anything to me-"
"We didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing. Echo can be a loner at times, we thought she might've run off. Besides, it's not like anyone besides a select few really care about her so-"
"Raven, this is more than just a missing person! What if she was taken!"
"Taken?" Raven said, questioningly. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, what if one of the prisoners did find us, took Echo, got Information, and now are letting our people- my brother- walk in a trap!" Octavia walked away from Raven to grab her radio and tried to turn it on. But Raven ripped it out of her hands. "Hey!" Octavia glared and started reaching for it. Raven st reached her arm back as far as she could, trying to keep it out of Octavia's reach as she reached for it.
"Octavia, you know this is only for emergencies. We don't know what is going on and you doing this could ruin the peace talk!" Raven tried. The started turning. Raven would turn to her right while Octavia walked in the same direction, trying to get the radio.
"But Bellamy-"
"Will be fine! You said yourself they don't know where we are. As long as that's true, we're okay."
"Raven-" Octavia went to continue to argue until she tripped and pinned Raven to the bed behind her. Octavia supported herself with her hands, hovering over Raven who felt the radio roll out of her hand and onto the floor. Octavia looked down at Raven, who looked up at her. They blinked. "Sorry." Octavia blushed. Raven kept eye contact.
"It's okay." She said. They both stopped moving for a bit and just looked at each other. There was a pause between them. Almost like they didn't know what to do next. But Octavia decided to follow the pull she felt and started bending down. Both their hearts quickened and-

"Heda!" A guard came running in, making Octavia leap off the bed and look at him. Raven took a second to process everything before sitting up. Octavia cleared her throat.
"Men... we're being attacked!" The guard breathed heavily. Octavia felt her blood run cold, along with Raven.
"By who?" Raven asked.
"The prisoners?" Octavia assumed. The guard shook his head.
"No. They look like clan members."
"Clan members? But why-" Octavia was cut off by a sword going through the guard, getting pulled out, and the guard slumping into a blood pool and pile of rotting flesh. Octavia looked and saw three grounders she didn't recognize walk in, in a storm- one with his sword stained with fresh blood from the guard.
"Raven! Hand gun! Use it!" Octavia ordered before taking two of the foreign grounders on. Raven rolled off the bed, to the right side so she could reach under the bed for the gun. The grounder, that got passed Octavia, approached her, raising his blade. Luckily, Raven got the hand gun and wrapped both hands around it before firing three shots and seeing his fall to the ground, mimicking the current state of the dead guard.

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