Chapter 15: It's a Love Hate Relationship

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It was silent.

The room that everyone stood in was so silent, it made it uncomfortable to move. They all stared at Clarke as she told her tale. All of them. Bellamy, Octavia, Kane, and Monty. They all stood together around a circular table. All eyes on Clarke. Clarke's eyes on Bellamy, mostly. She felt more comfortable talking to him for obvious reasons.

Still everyone else looked at her too. She just dropped the bomb that she basically had a Mt. Weather part 2 while everyone was either in the bunker or in space. Apparently, soon after Clarke met Madi, there was a little situation with Nikolai...

Clarke walked with long strides and listened to the leaves that crunched under Madi's feet as they walked back to the river after checking the traps Clarke set around. She was too young and inexperienced to know how to walk quietly in the woods so Clarke didn't mind much. She also listened to the little tone Madi hummed.
"What're you singing, Madi?" Clarke asked, smiling.
"A song my mother used to sing to me in English."
"Can I hear it?"
"Sure!" Madi smiled and started to sing. "I will walk with you, my darling. Though the darkness is blinding. My light is still fighting. I will stay with you always!" Madi smiled as she started the next part. "So, even if I die. Please never let me see you cry. We'll never say good bye. I am with you always..." Clarke was smiling at the song as she heard Madi stop singing.
"It's a pretty song." Clarke said, happily. "I bet your mother was pretty too." Clarke giggle but heard no response. Confused, Clarke stopped walking and turned back to see Madi was gone. Clarke felt her heart beat quicken and her hands shook slightly. Frantically, Clarke's eyes searched her surrounding for any sign of her but nothing. Madi was gone. "Madi!" Clarke shouted. "Madi, cone out! This isn't funny!" Clarke panic and started walking around, searching.

After hours of searching, Clarke decided to go to the rover. Maybe Madi went there. She got there and the first thing she saw was a paper with an arrow in it pinned to a tree next to the rover. Clarke looked at it and immediately recognized what it was. It showed a picture of the Polis tower. Clarke assumed correctly it was a ransom note for Madi telling Clarke to go to Polis. Clarke balled her hands into fists and closed her eyes in anger. There were other survivors. Her and Madi weren't the only ones.

Suddenly, Clarke dropped to her knees, held her head in both of her hands and yelled at the ground. She couldn't let Madi get hurt. She couldn't let anyone else get hurt anymore.

I don't even know if Bellamy died because I couldn't fix the damn satellite in time, Clarke thought before shaking her thoughts away. She couldn't think like that. She had to believe he was alive. She had to believe Madi was okay. Clarke had to save her.


Clarke walled out a way from the rover and waited with her arms crossed.
"Okay! I'm ready to get Madi back!" Clarke demanded. Slowly, people emerged from the rubble that surrounded her. A grounder came forward, throwing Madi in front of him which cause her to fall to her stomach and groan. Clarke moved towards her to help her up but was quickly stopped by a voice.
"If you want her alive, I wouldn't go near her right now." A different grounder stepped forward. Clarke glared.
"What the hell do you want?" She demanded.
"Interesting question." The grounder said, placing his hands behind his back. Clarke took notice that all the grounders that surrounded her had their faces covered. "I would have expected something like, 'how are you alive without nightblood?', 'why does everyone cover their face?', or something like that."
"I just want Madi back. Please let us go."
"First, I'm going to show you why we cover our faces." He said, ignoring Clarke. "Then I will trade you for this pest of a little girl. Finally, my dear Wanheda, I'm going to kill you." Clarke could see the man glaring at her and she shivered.
"Why?" Clarke finally asked.
"Why?" The man mocked. "You are the reason we are like this." Clarke pressed her eye brows together in confusion before the man slowly uncovered his face. Clarke felt her eyes widen.
"I didn't do that-"
"You destroyed the City of Light, you took the Nightblood for yourself and then you left us to die outside the bunker!" He said, angrily. "This is all your fault! I lost everyone because of you! And now, I'm going to take everything from you." The man walked up to Madi and pulled her up by the hair so he could put a blade against her throat as she sat on her knees.
"W-wait! Don't! Please! I'll do anything!" Clarke begged, going to her knees. The man sneered, pleased.
"I'm glad you understand." He said and shoved Madi against the ground. "You have one minute to say goodbye. Then, I want her gone and you with us." He said. Clarke crawled to Madi and immediately held her in a tight hug as Madi cried.
"It's okay, Madi. It's okay." Clarke cooed before they pulled away and looked at each other. Madi still cried.
"I'm scared!" Madi said.
"Hey, don't be scared." Clarke smiled against her tearful eyes that bore into Madi's. "You'll be okay. Just remember everything I taught you and remember to talk to Bellamy and the others everyday. Okay? Once they come down, they'll protect you. I promise." Madi stared at her for a second before giving her one last hug.

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