Chapter Five: Control Freak

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Abby barely spoke which oddly worried Clarke. It was obvious something was wrong with her on almost every level and it broke her heart. Though, it was nice to see Madi and Raven get along.
"So you're a nightblood?" Raven asked.
"How did Clarke and you meet?"
"Well, she almost shot me when she first saw me."
"Shocker." Bellamy chimed in. Clarke grinned at his joke. Madi proceeded to tell the story.

Clarke grabbed an empty bag out of the rover and walked into the seemingly empty village. She figured there must be some supplies or something and decided to scavenge. Meanwhile, Madi hid in fear. She watched everyone die- thought she died herself. Now there was a women walking in with a weapon. Madi was going to stay where she was, despite Clarke walking in the room she was in, but then she saw something. On the table, there were fresh foods she got that morning. Clarke didn't notice it and was facing away from the table so Madi needed to think quick. If Clarke saw that, she would know someone was nearby. Madi tried to climb out of her hiding place, grabbing the food, and disappearing again but dropped the food on the floor, causing Clarke to point her rifle at her. Madi threw her hands up and yelled in fear of being killed but didn't hear the gun go off. Clarke lowered her gun, Madi lowered her arms.
"You're a nightblood?" She asked. Madi nodded.

"And you were eight?" Raven said amazed. Madi nodded, proud.
"Tough kid." Bellamy grinned.
"After that, Clarke took care of me. Taught me how to make traps, find trails, load the guns... everything."
"Why would you need to know that?" Raven asked. "You know, being the only two people on earth." Clarke and Madi exchanged looks.
"Because we weren't the only two people on earth." Clarke said as Madi looked down, ashamed. "Before the transport, right after Primfaya... after I met Madi... well... not only Nightbloods survived."
"Wait what?" Raven leaned forward. "How is that even possible?"
"Remember Dante's explanation for there being grounders? I told you about it. He said it was 'natural selection'. I think that's just... what happened. A freak thing where people without nightblood have the same tolerance to radiation. Usually after they survive the radiation, they become deformed. Frikdraina."
"Let me guess, not friendly?" Bellamy sighed.
"Are they ever?" Clarke grinned at him before returning her focus to Raven. "They recognized me as Wanheda... I'm too well known for my own good." She scoffed.
"Why Wanheda? What does that mean?" Sarah asked.
"It means Commander of Death." Madi said cooly. Sarah narrowed her eyes and sat back.
"And I'm the dangerous one." She scoffed.


After a long journey, they got to Becca's Lab. They all decided to just spend the night at the house nearby and start working in the morning. Clarke knew the place as well as anyone, and so, volunteered to show Bellamy around. Even Madi had seen it so Bellamy felt grateful to be put back in the loop. Clarke walked in the kitchen first.
"And this is where I found out Murphy could cook."
"I didn't even know he could read." Bellamy joked, making Clarke laugh.
"Yeah, he's not bad at it either."
"Cooking or reading?"
"Both." Clarke smiled and they walked on. She eventually showed him the bedrooms. "So there's five rooms, all very spacious. I usually take this one to the right but since I'm nice and everyone else hasn't made it this far I'm the house, I'll let you take your pick." Clarke said. He chuckled.
"I'll take the one across from you." He pointed to the left. "I wouldn't want you wandering to far away again."
"Still trying to keep me alive?"
"Always." They smiled at each other before going quiet. They stood there for a second.
"I wanted you to leave me, you know." Clarke said.
"Like you said, I needed to think with my head." Bellamy grinned. "With Madi around, you seem to be using your heart more."
"She's a sweet girl. I think you'll like her."
"Sounds like a tough kid. I couldn't imagine what she must have went through. Loosing her family... everything she knew..." He shrugged.
"I'm her family now." Clarke decided. "I'm all she has left and for a long time... she was all I had. I radioed everyday but-"
"We would have replied." Bellamy said. "If we heard you." There was another silence. "Clarke, before Primfaya... there's something I wanted to say to you, in case we never saw each other again-"
"But we did-"
"I know." Bellamy nodded. "But, here me out... Clarke... what I was going to say was-"

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