Chapter Ten: Seasons Greetings

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Clarke was on edge, to say the least. She felt as if she was surrounded and completely exposed. Almost naked and vulnerable. For all she knew, they could be surrounded and moments away from an ambush. Madi sensed her uneasiness and decided to hang back with Sarah.
"Are you happy to see your people again?" Madi asked, smiling. Sarah shrugged as they walked, not being able to verbally answer with a gag in her mouth. "I would be." Madi said. "It was scary when primfaya hit. I was all alone... the only one who survived." Her voice drifted off for a second but she quickly moved on. "But now I have Clarke and Bellamy and Raven and Octavia and Monty and Harper and... and you!" Madi smiled at Sarah, making Sarah smile and chuckle. Madi looked ahead- towards Clarke who stood next to Bellamy. They were talking again but it didn't appear to be an argument which was good. Madi liked that they were getting along. "Do you think..." Madi spoke, directing her words to Sarah. "I know it's selfish but... do you think you can come back with us after the peace talks?" Sarah glanced at Madi, feeling her stomach twist. Sarah didn't feel she was in a position to may promises. "I mean, you must miss your people- I know I miss mine... but... I want you to be my people, too!" She smiled up at Sarah. Sarah felt a little guilty she couldn't say yes. Noticing Sarah's expression, Madi confused it with reluctance. She pushed her bottom lip out, pouting. "Please!" Madi begged. "I'll try to get Clarke to stop tying you up!" She offered, making Sarah laugh. Madi noticed her gag and realized she might not be able to answer. So, she looked at Clarke again, making sure she wasn't looking, before hushing Sarah as she moved the gag to her neck.
"I'd love too, Madi." Sarah said and glanced at Clarke. "But it's not up to me." This made Madi look at the ground, saddened. She still thought Sarah was upset with her for something she did.
"I'm sorry I pulled a knife on you." Madi said softly.
"You didn't know what I meant. I understand you were just trying to protect yourself." Sarah, of all people, understood it.
"So you're not made at me?" Madi looked up at her with bright eyes. Sarah grinned.
"No." She shook her head. "In fact, if I do get to come back, how about we can trade stories. You can tell me about your people and I can tell you about the world I came from."
"Really!?" Madi smiled. Sarah nodded. "That would be amazing!" Madi tried to contain her excitement but she caught some attention.
"Madi!" Clarke whisper yelled at her. Both Bellamy and Clarke looked back with glares, scolding Madi for her volume. Madi blushed as her excitement quickly disappeared.
"Sorry." Madi said. Bellamy and Clarke went on walking. While they walked, they continued their discussion from earlier.
"I still think it was the prisoners." Clarke said.
"I told you, it doesn't make sense on why they wouldn't attack." Bellamy said.
"Well it doesn't make sense that something else did it! If someone else, who?" Clarke brought up a good point, which made Bellamy sigh and look away, towards the dark woods that he sometimes wished he could disappear in. Things could be so simple if he could just disappear...

Suddenly, Bellamy had a thought and looked to Clarke.
"You said you and Madi weren't the only ones on Earth, right?" This made Clarke look at him with wide eyes that shined a clear, vibrant blue. Her face paled a little and her mouth was left, gaping at him as she started to shake her head lightly.
"No." She decided. "Bellamy, it can't be- it isn't, alright? It was the prisoners and that's final." Clarke's voice shook.
"You can't order things to be true, Clarke. I could be right and you know it-"
"I said no!" Clarke yelled a little louder than she should have. They felt uncomfortable under the looks they knew they were getting, but they only looked ahead, refusing to talk for a second. Anger rose in Bellamy's heart.
"What the hell happened while I was gone?" He asked. Clarke was leaving stuff out. She was keeping secrets and it was effecting her decision making. She knew that much as well. Of course, Clarke didn't respond to Bellamy. At the moment, she felt her judgment was justified and she knew Bellamy would change her mind. She didn't want  to change her mind. She wanted to be right.


Johnathan walked out and stood at the entrance of the transporter. He stopped and looked around with focused eyes at the people he took upon himself to govern. Some were building the fence he decided to put around the clearing that surrounded the transporter as a perimeter. Others where building the sweat house for the meat some hunters brought not long ago, whom were now resting and playing with a deck of cards they found on the transporter. In the distance, he could see a few people laughing together as they walked up with jugs of water from the river. Johnathan was actually impressed and proud of himself for all this. The government couldn't even keep them from killing someone. But here he is, being able to confuse them with average, well mannered members of Society. Who could of thought I'd actually amount to something? He wondered to himself before shaking his head to rid himself of his own thoughts.
"Attention, everyone!" He called out. The hunters playing cards stopped their game to look at him, along with everyone else. The builders stopped working and walked up to the transporter to listen to him, along with the people who came back from the river. "I know you're all scared after Garrett went missing. But... I'm sorry to say, Gwen is gone too." His voice cracked, nervous of the response he would get from the crowd. He swore to them all, in order to get people to listen to him, that he would be completely honest and not hide anything, like many believed the government did. But, now he was kicking himself for making such a deal that could get him killed.
"So, what do we do?" A girl asked out loud.
"Yeah, how do we stay safe?" A guy shouted. Murmurs erupted from the crowd.
"I have some ideas, but you're going to need to trust me." Johnathan proposed, quieting the crowd.
"Trust you?" A girl, just a few centimeters shorter than Johnathan with wavy light brown hair that went to her elbows, walked up. Her green eyes were narrow and her gloved hands folded over her jacket. "And why should we do that, huh? You've done nothing to keep people from getting kidnapped."
"Because I got us this far." He siad. "I said to make the fence, the sweat house, I suggested we take turns bringing in water and I even got you to make a garden and set up a hunting team! What I was going to suggest was, no one is allowed to leave by themselves. Always travel in a group. I was also going to suggest we start making weapons for our selves. But, if you don't trust me, how about you give me a better idea, sweetheart. I'm listening." He glared staring her down. The girl shifted uncomfortably before stepping back, defeated. Johnathan looked to the rest of the crowd.
"Anyone who we can spare, start making weapons. I don't care how or what kind, just get it done and update me as fequent as possible. Understood?"
"Yes." Many said.
"Okay, then let's back to work." He ordered. Immediately, people went and started on different things. Satisfied, he nodded at the disbanding crowd before walking back in the transporter- Eric was on his way out before they both stop. Johnathan expected Eric to say something by the way Eric firmly gripped his fore arm to hold him from walking away, so he waited. Eric took his time to use his voice- not entirely sure of himself.
"Do you honestly believe we can defend ourselves if that blonde girl brings back up? We don't know who she has behind her- we could be wiped out by tonight for all we know!" Eric kept his voice low and hushed. He didn't want to embarrass the only mark of stability in their make shift village. Good leader or otherwise- whether Eric liked Johnathan or not- everyone followed him. Johnathan looked up at him. What he said next, he didn't have any control over. He didn't seem to be able to think with that idea surrounding his head.
"We have to try." This response made Eric loosen his grip, letting Johnathan walk off.


"Johnathan!" A black haired girl with tan skin yelled, running through the transpoter. She kept repeating herself as she ran, catching Eric's attention as she passed. Something was wrong.
"Keep me updated." Eric ordered the fellow prisoners in front of him before jogging after the girl. Meanwhile, Johnathan was already talking with a girl, beautiful with dark brown skin and coarse hair that was only tamed by a thin material used as a bandana, and guy, handsome with slightly lighter skin and wavy black hair that fell just above the eye brows, about plans for the new and improved work schedules when the brown haired girl came running in. The three people that were talking, stopped and looked at the girl breathing heavy at the doorway.
"Maria, what is it?" Johnathan asked. Maria took a second to breathe.
"...She..." Maria started getting out. Johnathan stood with the girl, Samara, and the guy, Eli, waiting for a full sentance. The girl looked up. "She's here." In that moment, everything stopped. Everyone knew what that meant. Quickly, Johnathan jumped into action.
"Eli, get everyone, that doesn't have a weapon, inside the transporter. Samara, get the people that do in front of the transporter- now." He said and started his way out before running into Eric.
"Hey, what's going on?" Eric started following him, forgetting about Maria.
"She's here."
"That blonde bitch is here." He made his hands into fists as he walked. "She's going to get what's coming to her."
"I wouldn't do anything quite yet." Maria walked up on the other side of Johnathan. "She brought back up." Johnathan suddenly stopped and looked at her, Eric behind him.
"How many?" Johnathan asked. Maria felt her heart quicken. His gaze held fire and it was starting to sting. She couldn't find her words. "HOW MANY?" He shouted, making her flinch in fear.
"Johnathan, stop it! You're scaring her!" Eric scolded but was ignored.
"I don't know." Maria said quickly.
"What?" Johnathan questioned, furious.
"...It looked like hundreds..." Maria managed to communicate. Johnathan looked away and faced forward, away from Maria, before sighing. There's no way they could compare with hundreds of people who wanted to kill them. Especially since it would be so easy.

Johnathan started walking again. Eric and Maria followed, curiously.
"What're you going to do?" Eric asked. Johnathan kept on walking. Only one thing came to mind.
"The only thing I can." He said, disappointed. "I need to talk to them."


I'm so sorry.

I know I need to be more frequent but it's been tough for me recently.

A lot has been going on that has me stressed. I'm applying for College and with that, FASFA and Scholarships and stuff.

Not to mention a bunch of other crap...

I'm trying. Please understand.

More chapters coming. Thank you for your patience. I love you guys!

Also, I can't wait for S5!! I need some promos and a trailer omg haha

Anyway, thank you for reading and I'll see you next chapter!

Love, me

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