Chapter Four: Many Happy Returns

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"Clarke, I know you're excited but you can slow down, you know." Kane said. Clarke didn't hear him. Bellamy's alive! Was all that filled her mind. She drove until seeing Raven at the little piece of rocket that made it back to Earth. Clarke jumped out and started bolting for Raven.
"Raven!" She yelled out, smiling. Raven looked at her and went pale.
"Clarke?" She choked out. Clarke kept running at her and Raven started to smile upon Clarke tackling her. Raven hugged her with every once of strength she had. They pulled apart. "But, we thought you died! How are you alive?"
"Night blood worked!" Clarke said before seeing Harper and Harper seeing her. They hugged and smiled. Some tears were shed. Even Emori and Murphy hugged her and told her they were glad she's alive.
"Where's Bellamy?" Clarke asked.
"I see there's no concern for me." Monty smiled, walking up. Clarke smiled back and hugged him. They pulled away.
"He's with Octavia. They should be heading over here from the bunker-"
"Got it!" Clarke bolted away. Monty laughed.

"So it was basically a war for a whole year down there?" Bellamy asked Octavia as they started back to the rocket.
"Yep. No one trusts me. More and more I get people claiming to still be with me but... yeah. It's a problem."
"Bellamy!" There was a yell from far away. Bellamy and Octavia looked to see Clarke running at them. Bellamy froze for a second, not being able to tell who is was. Then he saw her clearly.
"Clarke?" His voice cracked. No... she's dead, remember? He thought to himself, but he started jogging up. Clarke got in a clearer view and he started running. She's alive! She's been alive this whole time! He thought to himself. Clarke jumped up and wrapped her arms around him while he wrapped his arms around her mid section and spun her around. He set her down but didn't let go. "I thought you were dead!" He cried into her shoulder. They spent a long time breathing each other in. They pulled away and looked at each other, completely forgetting Octavia exsisted.
"Did you hear my transmissions?" She asked.
"All our communication systems were down." He shook his head in disbelief. Clarke hugged him again and pulled away. She grabbed his hand and started pulling.
"I have someone you should meet!" She said, having forgot Madi for a moment.
"Forgetting someone?" Octavia spoke up, smiling. Clarke smiled and hugged her.
"Come on. You too." She said.


Clarke, Bellamy, and Octavia walked up to the rocket where everyone else was.
"Looks like the gangs back together." Murphy stated upon seeing them. Clarke went passed everyone and put her arm around Madi.
"Everyone. This is Madi. Madi, these are my friends." Clarke smiled. "Madi is a night blood like me."
"I assume the girl next to her isn't as friendly?" Bellamy noticed Sarah. Clarke looked at her.
"Tell them what your convicted for."
"Triple homocide."
"What year is it, according to you?"
"2051." Sarah sighed. Everyone shifted uncomfortably.
"Clarke, who is this?" Raven crossed her arms. That's when Clarke explained everything. From the satellite she had to fix before Primfaya, to the prisoner transport.
"How are they still alive?" Harper wondered out loud.
"Hypersleep. It was experimental." Raven said. "No wonder you tied her up. The prisoners on that transport are highly dangerous."
"Again, she kidnapped me!" Sarah rolled her eyes, annoyed at the people she was surrounded by.
"I needed leverage. I talked to their leader. He's kinda an ass." Clarke recalled. "The guy was ready to watch his people gut me."
"There was a time when Bellamy wanted to cut off your hand for your wristband." Murphy recalled.
"Shut up, Murphy." Bellamy glared.
"I wish I could say that suprised me." Clarke laughed. Bellamy glared at her too. "But anyway, we're going to have to do something about them."
"Well while you come up with something, we need to get going to Becca's Lab." Raven reminded.
"Wait, why?" Clarke asked. No one answered right away. Abby stepped forward.
"I'm still dying." She said. "Only Raven knows how to fix my condition and... she wasn't around the last few years to fix me."
"Well then what're we waiting for? Let's go!"
"Tomorrow. Please Clarke." Octavia said, fatigued.
"Yeah, it's been a long day for all of us and I would really like to rest." Raven said.
"Alright. Tomorrow. First thing." Clarke nodded then turned to Madi. "Give Sarah food and eat for yourself. Go get some sleep. I'll join you in a bit." Madi nodded and left with Sarah. Everyone dispersed but Kane, Abby, Bellamy, and Clarke. Kane and Abby stepped up to Clarke as Clarke went to give her mom another hug.
"Go rest. You'll be better after we get to Becca's Lab." Clarke ordered.
"You rest too." Abby said and went to walk away. She stopped in front of Bellamy. "I'm sorry I slapped you." She murmured and walked away with Kane. Bellamy moved closer to Clarke, still struggling to believe she's really alive.
"Sounds like a lot changed for you."
"Not everything." She said. "How much did I miss in space?" Bellamy chuckled.
"More than you know."
"Really?" She raised her eye brows in suprised.
"Oh yeah." He said then told her why it took them a year to get home.
"Wow." Clarke laughed.
"Yeah, everyone's a night blood now. I'm starting to feel left out." He said, making her smile at him. They stood there, quietly for a moment. "Clarke," Bellamy started. "We thought- hell, I thought you were dead... but had I known you were alive-" He tried to come up with an apology for leaving her behind and she knew it.
"Don't." She shook her head. "It had to be done." Bellamy nodded.

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