Chapter 13: New Frienemies

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Clarke trailed behind Bellamy and tried to keep up by stepping where he stepped. But that was a little difficult with him being able to take longer strides. Bellamy didn't even realize Clarke was starting to wheeze by the time he decided to stop and look at the group he took with him to find his sister along with everyone else.
"Okay, I want us to spread out a little to cover more ground. My sister set up hiding places incase of emergencies so let's hope we find it along with them. Stay within yelling distance but check in quietly through the radio. No straggling. We don't know what the hell attacked us and I have a feeling we don't wanna find out quite yet. Understood?" Bellamy looked among the diverse group of men and woman that both came from the ground and sky. It kinda amazed him how they could even stand within a kilometer of each other. Nevertheless be on the same team. When no one responded, he assumed they understood and nodded. "Okay, let's go." Bellamy ordered and people started disbanding to go look around. Bellamy looked at Clarke as she took deep breathes. "You okay?" He asked, feeling slightly guilty since he knew he unintentionally walked too fast. Clarke just nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go find Octavia." Clarke confirmed, still obviously not doing well with the way her forehead creased and breathes came and went at a significantly rapid pace. Bellamy didn't mention it, however, and started walking with her- this time at her pace. While they walked and Clarke caught her breathe, both of them let their minds go in different directions. Of course, Bellamy thought about his sister. He was worried for her. Really, he just wanted to know she was okay. Memories of raising Octavia as a child came to mind and threatened to lighten his mood and maybe even make him smile. He missed giving biggy back rides that made him feel like his back was breaking. He missed staying up late to read The Illad to Octavia to make her fall asleep when his mom was out working; even though he had school the next day. The thing he missed most of all, was her laugh. She had such a rich laugh. You could always hear the sincerity in her chuckle and the brightness in her smile. Even before leaving home- going back to space after only months of being on the ground- he wouldn't be able to tell you the last time he heard her laugh.

Clarke, on the other hand, thought about her guilt. She felt responsible, in a weird way, for the attack. She should have told them. She should have told them all; even if she thought they were all dead. What if Octavia was hurt? Or anyone else for that matter? It would all be her fault cause she didn't say anything. Clarke felt guilt sit in her stomach like a rock. Still, she couldn't bring herself to mention it to Bellamy. He hasn't blamed her yet, as far as she could tell, and selfishly wanted to keep it that way. Clarke wasn't sure if she could handle Bellamy being mad at her in that moment.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Bellamy whispered once they were both far enough from everyone else. Clarke looked up at him and blinked, unfocused and somewhat stunned.
"You're pale and haven't said a word almost the entire way here." Bellamy kept his eyes ahead, making her return her look to the endless forest- lite brightly by the sun light that exposed the green leaves and dark brown bark of the trees. A sight she'd grown bored of. "Do you need to sit out? I can get someone to stay with you-"
"No. We need to keep looking." Clarke said without emotion. Bellamy quickly grabbed her arm and stopped walking, causing her to turn her body to face him as she pressed her eye brows together in confusion. Clarke tried not to appear intimidated by him as he seemed to not only tower over her but make her lean her head back a little to meet his gaze. Her heart pounded. Guilt swarmed her mind. Bellamy just placed his free hand on his waist as he narrowed his gaze at Clarke. He blinked, not understanding why her breath had started to quicken, her eyes appeared glassy and avoided to return his stare, and the fact her could feel her shaky hand from grabbing her arms. Bellamy looked her up and down.
"You're not okay. I'll radio Hannah and tell her to stay with you until we find Octavia." Bellamy let go of Clarke's arm and turned away as the hand that was on his hip went for his radio but Clarke panicked.
"Wait!" She begged. Bellamy stopped and returned his look to her still glassy blue eyes. Clarke closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "I'm not sick, okay?" She murmured in defeat.
"Then what is it?" Bellamy walked up to her, leaving little space between them. Call him paranoid but he didn't know who could walk up. If Clarke was about to say something important, he figured it a good idea for them to keep their voices down and talk softly. In which case, he stood close to be able to hear her. Clarke tried looking pass him to the dirt that laid on a trees roots. She shook her head lightly, letting her mouth hang open slightly as evidenced she was planning to speak. The knife in her gut, that was her guilt, twisted in her. The pain made her look up at Bellamy, regretfully.
"This is all my fault!" She said, holding in her tears as best as she could. Bellamy pressed his eye brows together and focused his eyes, confused. "I should have told you... I should have said something... our people could all be dead and I could have stopped it! Again! Octavia could be hurt or dead- all because of me!" Clarke whimpered.
"Hey." Bellamy said quickly but with a soft voice. "Octavia is going to fine. Everyone is going to be fine. Okay?" Bellamy placed his left hand on Clarke's cheek and wiped a stray tear with his thump as Clarke sniffled.
"But I could have at least warned them-"
"We were already on high alert, Clarke. We were on high alert and we still were attacked. Now, I'm not going to pretend like not saying anything was the right thing to do. I think you should have said something- everything you thought we could have possibly needed to know..." Bellamy looked down at Clarke's outfit. He hadn't really taken a good look at her since he got back. She had gone full grounder. Her black shirt and leather jacket with matching pants and heavy duty boots. Even her face and hair were different. Oddly, he liked it. "I wish you opened up to me." Bellamy confesses and lifts his gaze to meet hers. "I thought we were closer than this." His words were accusatory and made Clarke shift uncomfortably, still letting her face be held in his left hand. Oddly, the way he was so calm made her feel even worse. She tried to avoid Bellamy's gaze but his face was too close to hers. She looked right back in his amazing brown eyes that made her see sense.
"Okay." She nodded, sniffling, before taking a breath. "Once we find Octavia, I'll tell you everything." She promised. "From start to finish." Bellamy pulled up the ends of his lips to form a sympathetic and grateful smile.
"Sounds good." He agreed.

"Bellamy!" A voice rang in the distance. Bellamy and Clarke look together to Bellamy's left to see Octavia running towards them. Bellamy immediately left Clarke to run to Octavia and embrace her as she embraced him. Clarke watched them and sighed in relief. Just Octavia being alive was enough to let her mind relax a little. After a long moment, Octavia and Bellamy pulled away.
"Hey, are you okay? What the hell happened out there?" Bellamy asked immediately as Clarke slowly made her way over.
"Don't know exactly. I was talking to Raven and all the sudden one of my men told me we were being attacked. Raven and I tried to get away but..." Raven let her voice trail off and looked at the ground.
"What about everyone else?" Clarke stressed. Octavia met her gaze.
"I have no idea. We need to go to the other hiding spots immediately."
"Who attacked us?" Bellamy finally asked the question. Octavia froze, not really knowing how to respond. It was appearant to Clarke what happened and who caused it, just by Octavia's expression. Her gaze was distant, confused. Her face was pale and though her mouth was open, no words came out.
"Frikdrainakru." Clarke stated, balling her hands into fists. The Blake siblings looked at her, expectingly.
"What did you say?" Bellamy asked, turning his body to face her. She looked in his eyes, angry.
"Frikdrainakru." She repeated, gritting her teeth. "Remember when I said I wasn't the only one who survived Primfaya? Well, you just met who did." She explained. All three of them felt the tension rise. Bellamy looked to Octavia.
"How many made it to your hide out?"
"No one."
"What?" Clarke asked with wide eyes.
"Only Raven and I headed to that hide out... she would have made it but..." Octavia looked down and let her words drift away.
"Where's the other hide outs?" Clarke felt herself step forward in a panic.
"I'll show you. Don't worry. I'm sure most made it out okay." Octavia said hopeful.
"Where is Raven, anyway? What happened?" Bellamy asked, trying to say his own words carefully. He noticed a change in Octavia in the time he had been back. The way Raven would stay just a little longer than anyone else to stay and talk to Octavia. The way Octavia smiled when she rambled about how Raven was so excited to make more radios and feel more productive  (they had a shortage. Going from some sky people to the rest of the human race left a certain demand for more). Bellamy could tell what was going on and was trying to be as delicate with her feelings as possible whilst getting answers. Octavia blinked at him, feeling hesitant, but spoke as confident as she could.
"They took her." Octavia stated, making her hands into fists as Clarke and Bellamy stood, frozen. They just lost their best mechanic, best coder, a great friend... she was so important and they had her.
"You can tell us what happened exactly on the way. But we need to get going." Clarke said. Octavia sighed at Clarke's carelessness. There was only one thing on Clarke's mind. She officially went into leader mode.


Octavia stepped slowly, tip toeing as best as she could in her big boots through the dry leaves that crunched under her feet, oddly quietly. Clarke followed, just as stealthily. Spending so long in the same environment made her accustomed to moving silently in a forest setting. It was Bellamy that seemed to step on every small twig and crunched leaves by practically stomping on them. Frustrated by his loud movements, Octavia looked back at Bellamy with a glare. It wasn't just him she was bothered by. It was that everyone that had gone with Bellamy in the search party, followed him and walked on his heels, making the same loud noises.
"Bellamy!" She whisper yelled. Bellamy looked up at her and shrugged, innocently.
"What?" He asked.
"Stay there!" She ordered and looked away to continue walking. Bellamy stood up straight and stopped walking, as Octavia instructed, with a sigh. He was frustrated he was being left behind. It made him feel useless. Like he couldn't even walk in the forest without being scolded by Octavia.

While Octavia walked off, Clarke glanced at Bellamy, basically asking if he was okay with her leaving him to go with Octavia. After all, it kinda felt like she was abandoning him and everyone who was right behind him; people they asked to come along. Bellamy only gave her a half smile, signaling he would be fine and she should follow Octavia. Clarke nodded and followed Octavia swiftly, not having been far behind.

Let's go find my friends, Clarke thought, feeling an enormous about of Dé Ja Vu.


Sorry for spelling.

Okay! Another chapter down! Honestly, I like this one. What about you guys?

I'll try to get another chapter up before Christmas but if not, Merry Christmas, guys! Happy whatever-you-celebrate-if-anything-at-all!

Thank you for being patient and please tell me what you think! Thank you for reading and I love you all so much!

Bye, loves!

Love, Bellarke Queen


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