Error Sans x chubby reader (Part 1)

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You sat there, curled up in bed, underneath the blankets, hiding from the world.
"WhY doN't you GOo oUtside?"
You stayed silent for a moment and then answered, " I don't feel like it.." you closed your eyes, all you felt like doing now a days was sleeping, eating, sleeping over and over again- a viscous cycle,and for the moments in between, all you could do was lie in bed thinking, or wondering around the small apartment, thinking.

It took you only a few weeks of bullying at school to become a ghost.
You learned that dying was easy, but living was the hard part.

It kept getting harder and harder lately, especially with the stress of school and your folks, who constantly pressed you to make good grades and be perfect.

"(y/N) pPpLlleasee.." Error glitched and flashed on the screen of your computer- "I-II'M wwoOOriied."
You curled up and hugged your pillow, "I don't know,'s-" you paused and took a deep breath, " it's too know what'll happen if I go out..they will come out and get me."

"(Yy/N) -"

"I can't anymore Error.. Im.. Im scared of going out now.." you started to tear up, letting a few tears fall from your eyes.
"Im sorry.." you whispered.

"DdOOoon't bE."
You heard static next.

Your eyes widened, knowing what would happen next-
"Wait! Error! Don't leave!" you whipped the covers off your head and looked at the monitor across from your bed-

It was blank.

You stared at it, took a deep breath, and set your lips in a straight line, trying not to cry.

You did anyway.

As tears feel you hid under the blankets again.

"Im sorry.." you whispered, this time, no one answered.

Mean while, in the computer world..
"DaMN IT SsSTuPId siGnAl! " Error glitched,pulling on the blue strings that surrounded his blank space of a home.
"JuSt when (Y/nN) NEedED MeeE!"
He pulled on them again.
He wondered if he could try.. Try to get back..
He put in the password of your computer, and after breaking through  the fire wall he saw you!
"(Yy/N)!" he glitched, you didn't answer..

In your world
You sighed and sniffed, after hours of crying and moping, you decided to get out of bed, you uncovered yourself and noticed Error on the monitor.
He banged on the screen, silent.
"Error? "

You noticed a crack starting to form.
You gasped, "Error! Be careful you could-" the screen glitched and went blank.

You immediately crawled back under the covers, and curled up. Know that this would probably be the end.

In the realm of blankness known as the computer world
Error screamed and hacked in again, he saw you again.
He hooked himself up to the speakers, made sure that his signal was strong enough-  and put his plan into action.

"(Y/nnN)" he moved his arms and the wires in the room moved too, he put arms and fingers together from the wires of the room, making sure not to unplug his monitor.
"Error?" you peeked from under the covers- "Error!" you didn't notice the wires until they surrounded you, your brows burrowed in confusion, but you trusted him.
They picked you up and plucked you into the seat in front of the screen.
You blinked and looked at the electronic skeleton.
"Error- what's," you looked around, "going on?"
The wires unwrapped themselves and started to stroke your hair and cheek, you blushed.
"(Y/nN)  DoN'T you knoW hOW MUch you mean to mee?"
You shook your head slowly
"You mEan so much to mE."
He glitched but continued- "Yyou mAke me fEel lEss aloNe.." he paused, "DoN't I make YoU fEel the same way..?" a look of sadness and desperation crossed his face as he waited for your answer, you swallowed and said "You do-" you paused again, "-I-I" You took a shaky breath, "l-love you..I mean, I still do.." you look down and started to tear up, "I understand if you don't love me back.."
You stare at the ground, keeping your head down in shame- oh what, just what would he say?

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now