Chubby sans x chubby insecure reader

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An: I KNOW. I KNOW I SHOULD BE WORKING ON MY YANDERE BLUEBERRY BUT DON'T WORRY DO NOT WORRY!! I WILL. But I'm gonna take my time because why nooot its only gonna three parts anywayyy!
Anyway, I just have so many ideas and want to make them into stories so there ya go.
Also, have you guys seen chubby sans?! He is just fuckin adorable. He is my kind of skeleton. I want to cuddle with him and rub his tummy while he pinches mine and cuddles with it and uses it as a pillow, ya know, I never see any chubby reader inserts with chubby characters, I believe in chubby love cause that shit is adorable.
So yeah. Anyway. Just read.
(Also I do plan to make some confident chubby readers soon, and I hope you guys don't mind!!)
Let's go! Also, please tell me if Sans feels out of character!
There is force feeding in this story, so if you don't like, don't read! AND THERE MAY BE A TRIGGER IN HERE BECAUSE READER CHAN IS
Ps I'm sorry if this sucks..

"Hey, uh Tori- I- I can't make it to dinner tonight." Clutching the phone, trying your best not to cry, biting your lip hard, you hoped she wouldn't hear the loud ferocious growling of your  empty stomach.
"Are you sure child? Is everything alright?"
You paused, swallowing nervously, "Y-yeah, just tired- I have so much studying to do!  Haha-I'm determined to pass!" You nervously laughed, forcing a smile as Toriel reluctantly replied; "Al..Alright child.. but please, promise you'll make it tomorrow and take care of yourself?"

You bit your lip harder, squeezing your eyes shut.

"I promise Tori."

"Alright child, please remember I love you-"

You smiled softly, " I love you too Tori, and I know You love me- you wouldn't check up so much on me if you didn't!"
Toriel chuckled, "Alright, I have to go and serve dinner- see you tomorrow!"
"Bye Tori."

You hung up the phone and finally let yourself collapse,shaking and heaving, you curled up on the floor and cried.

Meanwhile at Toriel's house..

Toriel worried as she served dinner, scooping up noodles and piling them down on plates decorated with snails them, she put on the red tomato sauce and meatballs, sighing as  she brought the plates to the table, sitting them
down gently before  she called everyone to dinner.

Frisk, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys all rushed to the table, Toriel sat down at the head of the table, as the seats filled up around her.

"Hey Mom- " Frisk looked around, notching your empty seat, along with Sans and everyone else-"where's (y/n)?" Frisk asked,  eyebrows furrowed in confusion as a frown crossed their face, this had been the fourth time you missed dinner- using your need to study as an excuse.
Everyone seemed to worry about you, and looked at Toriel, waiting for an answer.

"Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but- she said she couldn't make it today, she had to study." Toriel paused and once more sighed as everyone groaned," But! She promised she would make it tomorrow!" She said, smiling reassuringly at the group of monsters (and one human) who sat at the table.
"That's the fourth time the punk has missed our family dinner this week!" Exclaimed Undyne, "if she doesn't want to have dinner with us anymore she should just say so!" She hit the table and the crossed her arms, fuming slightly.
"S-she has to study U-Undyne.."whispered Alphys, "y-you know h-how hard school is.."
Undyne stayed quiet, and the sighed; "you're right.."
Papyrus filled the quiet with a concerned yell;
"yeah, as long as she's takin' care of herself then I'm fine with her missing a view dinners." Said Sans.
Everyone agreed, and started to eat.
After dinner was done, Toriel pulled Sans aside, and asked for him to check up on you, which Sans agreed on, but not before getting two pieces of Toriel's pie and teleporting off.

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now