Chubby insecure underfell sans x chubby reader

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I really want to do another sans x chubby reader omg. Forgive meee I love underfell sans so much omg I want him.
Gimmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  ps; sorry if fell feels out of character- I feel like he feels out of character but yeah. Enjoy loves!

Half asleep, you snuggled further into the blankets, you wish that Sans was here, usually he would sit on your lap and snuggle with you.
You had noticed that he had been off lately, almost avoiding you- and honestly, you just hoped that he was okay.. even though it did hurt when he would purposely walk to the other side of the street to avoid you.

It hurt a lot.

Wrapping yourself with the fuzzy blanket you sighed, turning off the TV and curling up, letting yourself sit in the darkness, you didn't want Sans to leave you, gosh, you loved that skeleton! You loved his puns and his dark jokes and how secretly sensitive he was but he was also tough and didn't take bull shit! You loved his laugh and his sarcasm and everything about him...
biting your lip, you curled up tighter, almost as if you were trying to become a small ball in the darkness, trying to stay together, but instead it felt like you were coming further and further apart.

Did you do something wrong?
Was he cheating on you?
Did he hate you?

Did you do something wrong?

Eyebrows furrowing, you finally burrowed into the cushions of the soft couch, letting sleep over come you.

You woke up to pounding.
Groaning, you snuggled back into the softness of the couch.
"Sweetheart?" A voice whispered, the knocking on the door growing weaker, and then stopping, "ya in there toots? I- I-" there was a sigh, followed by a desperate plea for you to open the door; "please.. I need ya right now.. I know I've been avoidin' ya lately and I'm sorry, please forgive me."
You leaped out of the comfort and the blankets, tripped over your cat, scrambled to
Your feet and quickly unlocked the door, revealing Sans with his hoodie up and his jacket zipped, hands in pockets.

"Sans!" You brought him in, closed the door and hugged him (even though he usually didn't like hugs, they made him uncomfortable) but instead of flinching, pushing you away, or freezing up, he hugged you back, resting his skull on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry." He breathed, wrapping his arms tighter around your waist, "I'm so sorry."
You rested a hand on his hoodie covered head, stroking it gently, "I'm just glad you're okay." You muttered.

Sans sighed, "you're too good for me, ya know that?"
You frowned, "What do you mean Sans?"
"I don't deserve a girl like you baby."
Your frown deepened.
"I think you do deserve a girl like me, I mean, we both like puns and hate people. We're a perfect match, silly." Your heart beat rapidly now, and fear, along with a bit of sadness coiled its way into your stomach-
Oh god, he was gonna leave you, wasn't he?
That's exactly what your last lover said, that they didn't deserve you, and then they left you- torn and broken, just to be with someone else.
"Nah," Sans responded, "I'm just..bad." He whispered.
"You're not bad, Sans! I mean- you've done bad things, but you deserve a second chance! Because you had to do all those bad things!"
Your heart was in your throat now, and fear was like an eel, slithering and flopping around in your stomach, black and sickening.
"Why do you always say that? Why?Fuck, kid, look at me." He hissed.
Then the eel stopped, froze.
Sans was insecure?
..He wasn't leaving? Had he been- oooh.
"I am looking at you, Sans, and I like what I see."
He had been avoiding you because he was insecure.
Sans started to cry then, red tears dripping down his skull- hugging him tighter, you lifted him up and dropped him on the couch, sitting next to him you brought him into your lap, letting him cry into your shirt.
"I'm so so-sorry do-doll face.." he said, holding you tighter, sobbing.
"Don't be, it's okay."
"It's not okay!" He shouted, pushing away from you, he pointed to himself, "ya deserve better than this!!" His face crumbled up as he put his hand in his hands, crying harder. "You don't deserve a fuckin' fat loser!"
You wrapped your arms around him, "you're not a loser!"
"Well, I'm still fat! Aren't I?"
"W-well maybe I like it!"
"I like that you're fat, because there's nothing wrong with being fat! I like that you're like me! And like- " you took a deep breath, "I like that I don't have to feel self conscious around you, which may sound mean- and if it does I don't mean to! I mean- " you ran a hand through your hair as your crying boyfriend looked at you, a few tears running down his face.
"I just li- no love you in general, whether you were fat or skinny I wouldn't care cause I love you and I know this may not magically heal your insecurities-" you swallowed, "but- I want you to know, that I'm here. And that- whenever I'm with you, I feel like.. myself."
Sans blinked, and looked at you for a moment, he then hugged you.

"Thank you."
"Your welcome."

After a moment of silence, Sans whispered; "you better not tell Papyrus about this."
"I won't."

"Hey, doll, I got a question for ya."
He smirked, "are you some kinda chubby chaser?"
You blushed, "I mean, I don't know! I just- like you and I like your chub." You smiled nervously, looking at the skeleton.
He chuckled, and then smiled, closing his eyes.

"I'm gonna stay here for the night. Me and the boss got into a fight."
You didn't ask what it was about, but you guessed that was what caused him to cry.
"One day we are gonna jump your brother." You said, hugging him closer.
"If He hurts you again we gonna beat him up."
"Nah, that's too much effort, sweet heart."
"...I'll just beat him up then."
Sans laughed, wiping a fake tear from one of his eye sockets, "I bet!" He snickered.
"I mean it! It's not fair! He better watch his back!"
"Alright, Alright. I'll tell 'em what you said." He chuckled, and then hugged you, cuddling into your stomach, "I love you."
You smiled, "I love you too." You kissed his skull, wrapped your arms around him, and rested your head on his head, falling asleep, Sans soon falling asleep afterwards.

The both of you woke up in the morning, wrapped up in the blanket you left on the couch, once Sans woke up, you showered him with compliments, continuing to flirt with him throughout the day, treating him like a king the rest of the week, boosting up his ego with praise and kisses.

You hoped one day that he would be able to love himself as much as you loved him

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now