Yandere bara chubby sans x chubby reader

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I said I would complete this one if I got 25k reads and i did! So I completed it, i hope
You enjoy!

You felt like you soul was on fire.
Staring at the tall skeleton across the room, you felt the tug again, a pull, a hum, a buzz.

No, no! You were already used to being alone! You didn't need anybody! You did not have a soulmate!! You still felt it again-
A tug.
You shook your head and sighed. What was wrong with you?! Didn't you know you were meant to be alone? You didn't have a soulmate, you didn't have a soulmate!
Your brows furrowed as you looked away from the skeleton, and looked around the tea shop- it was warm, comfortable, the kind of place where quiet people and hipsters hung out, you were the former.
You looked back at the skeleton, frowned.

You didn't have a soulmate.
You were meant to be alone.
Music filled the cafe.
You licked your lips, and looked at the mug in front of you, filled with tea, the steam rising from the cup gently. You looked outside, noticing the rainy day, people running through the drizzle- a group of teen girls without umbrellas screaming and giggling as the rain got harder, looking for cover, A man walked by briskly, holding a suitcase and a black umbrella, chatting happily on his phone. You noticed a woman pushing her baby in a stroller, a couple crossing the street, a cat laying down with another underneath the cover of a tarp.

You didn't get soul mates like those people did- you could sense their happiness, the joyful liquid spilling from their veins, spreading throughout their bodies.
You glanced at the skeleton again- and felt a tug. It was probably just another fake you thought. That sometimes happened, you would feel a pull in your chest, just a little one, but- nothing as strong as this!
Shaking your head, you looked back at your drink, noticing your distorted reflection. What was wrong with you? Why was the feeling still there? You put a hand on your chest, you were not meant to have a soulmate...your grandmother had said so, on the day after your thirteenth birthday.
It wasn't much of a party, but you remember the ceremony- looking into the murky water, your mother turning off the lights, lighting candles, and the beautiful chanting, strange and foreign- it almost seemed to come from her SOUL, filling the house with blue magic. This was the Ritual, the thing everyone went through, it was supposed to make things easier... it didn't, well, at least for you anyway. It made things harder, you remember staring into the water, seeing a skull and gasping.
"Mom? What does- what does this mean?" You whispered, touching the water, filled with lavender, and rosemary, bits of yellow flowers you couldn't recognize floated at the top and swirled around the image of the skull. 
Your mother put a hand on your shoulder, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as the water continued to swirl with blue magic-"I- I'll have to ask your grandmother.. she knows.. she's.. she's done this before..she has to know.. it wasn't like this with your brother.." she whispered.
The next day, you found out what it was.
You remembered being surrounded by old photos, glimpses of your grandfather and grandmother as awkward teens, your mother and father laughing as they held you-
"I- I- don't have a soulmate?" You asked your grandma, trying not to cry.
"It seems so.. either that, or their dead." She said bluntly, she didn't even try to let you down gently.
"So.. so.. I'm.. going.. to be..alone?.. Forever?" You asked.
"Yes- have you ever heard of having a skull as a soul mate?"
"No ma'am." You whispered softly.
On Monday morning, your friends asked you about it. You told the truth, then it spread, even though you told them to keep it a secret.
People started to avoid you like a disease, a sickness, you were cursed they said, evil, horrible- even your family started to isolate you. You just learned to get used to being alone.

Sans finally noticed you, and felt the tug too.
A jolt of electricity, a spark- he felt like his soul was burning, but in a hazy sort of warm way.
He looked away, and then looked back at you.
You were still there, clenching your chest.
You looked up at him, and he felt his soul on fire- he could see the universe in your eyes, the vast expanse of the stars— he saw the sun burning behind your (eye color) irises. 
He gasped, and put a hand on his chest.
He had a soulmate?
He had a soulmate!!

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now