Mafiatale Sans x chubby reader

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"Don't leave.." you whispered.
He sighed, looking at you, "Ya know I 'ave ta, doll face." he said, stroking your cheek, "but I'll come back sweetcheeks, I always do, you know that."
Your thumb rubbed his knuckles, remembering the rough- yet somehow smooth texture- of every crevice.
"Alright.." he kissed your forehead and closed his eyes, "I love ya, you know that, right?"
You smiled, blinking a few tears away, "Yeah, you know I do, bonehead."
He chuckled, and let go of your hand, goodbyes were always emotional for the two of you, the thought of Sans never coming back always in the back of your mind, but you always had hope.

You nuzzled into the hand that wiped the upcoming tears away.
"SANS!" the both of you jumped, startled, "IT IS TIME TO GO,BROTHER!!" yelled Papyrus.

You smiled at Sans, "you promise you'll come back?"
"I promise, sweetpea."
You closed your eyes and sighed, "Then, I give you persmisson to go." he kisses your head again, and reluctantly let go of your hand, and ran to the Mercedes where Papyrus waited.

"I'll be back!" he called, waving as Papyrus drove away.

You waved, "I believe you.." you whispered, but you still worried, in the back of your mind.

On the days when Sans wasn't there, you refused to be sad, or let yourself mope.


No moping here!

You would open the windows and fill the house with happiness, playing old jazz songs on the record player Sans owned, and sing your heart out, wearing on of his favorite dress shirts and a fedora.

You made damn sure, that when he came home, this house would he a sanctuary, a tempory escape from the horrors of his line of work.
You would cook and clean, distracting yourself from the numbing pain of missing him.

Sometimes though, it still ate at you, and you would let yourself ride it out, listening to sad love songs, and let yourself have a sad day.

After a week, the pain of missing to him hit you hard.
It happened while you were washing the dishes, and listening to Frank Sinatra- his song came on, the one he said (that if he ever died while out on the job) he wanted to be played at his funeral.
You stopped washing the dishes, and looked at the water, noticing how it shone in the sunlight.. You turned off the sink, and went to the living room, to turn up the volume.

"Regrets..I've had a few, but then again- "
You sang out the lyrics, bellowing then out at the top of your lungs.
"Too few to mention! I did- WHAT I HAD TO DO! And saw it through without exemption!"

You didn't regret loving him, you didn't, good lord, you loved that pun loving skeleton, that kind scoundrel of a gangster, he was just like you, lost and trying to be found.

You were not going to sink into sadness, oh no.
You would let yourself cry, and grieve but you wouldn't let the grief and the sorrow and the pain and the loneliness control your life!

Huffing, you walked back to the kitchen, god, damn, Frank new what he was doing.
You washed the dishes cleaned the counters, and when the finale came you quickly ran to the middle of the living room.

"For what is a man, what has he got
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels-"

Suddenly a voice joined you,
"-And not the words of one who kneels!"
You ran to Sans, the both of you singing-
"The record shows I took the blows and did it-"
You jumped onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck the two of you finishing;
He chuckled, as the both of you nuzzled each other, singing the final verse softly..
" was my way.."
He spun you around, faces inches from each other, and kissed you.
"I missed you."
He smiled, "I missed you too, toots."
You cried a little, and hugged him.
"I love you so much."
He hugged you tighter, "I love you too, sweet pea, don't you ever forget that."

"I won't baby, I won't.." you replied, desperately clinging yo him.

He put you down, and danced with you, Frank Sinatra's voice filling the house with songs of love and happiness.

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now