yandere! teen blueberry x chubby teen bullied reader (part one)

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Okay so guys I was like sitting in the rain and I was thinking on how to do this story AND THEN IT HIT ME LIKE A FUCKING WRECKING BALL LIKE HOW COULD I BE SO DUMB??? ANYWAY wired_eight_124 I hope ya like it (ps I will do that lemon ya requested)*wiggles brows*

You trudged up the mountain path in the rainy night, bare feet getting cut from the stones, somehow releasing the pain of you parents kicking you out.

Holding your arms, you tryto keep yourself warm.

You feel warm and  salty tears on your cheeks, mixing in with the cold fresh rain, you were shivering, panting, sobbing and heaving.

You felt like your legs were about to collapse underneath you, but you knew that if you passed the mountain, you would be free, free from the small town full of big expectations and even bigger pressures.
You knew that there was a bigger world out there, and that, if you just..made it.. Past the mountain.. You would be able to live.
Thunder clashed, hitting the ground beside you, causing you to scream, panic,and start running up the mountain.

It began to rain harder, pounding the ground without mercy, attacking your skin with its harsh pellets.
You fell, face and clothes now covered with mud, screaming, you hit the ground, letting the rain consume you.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" you cried, you kept screaming and screaming panicking, scared until-
Lighting crashed, revealing a cave.
You stopped, fists a few inches above the puddle you lay in.
Heaving,  shoulders shaking as you looked at the direction of the cave,making sure it wasn't a figment of your imagination.

Lighting strikes again.
Almost promising the warmth and safety of the cave.

You gasped, shoulders shaking as you stumbled to get up, slipping twice before managing to stand.

You run towards the cave, seeking warmth and dryness.
Collapsing at the enternace, you crawl further in heaving and shivering-

Your eyes went widen as you fall, landing with a hard thud, you fade out of consciousness.

You woke up to the sun shining and the birds chirping.

I know I have a bad habit of having multiple parts, but it makes you want moooooore. Soooooooo and like it helps me make the story better so yeah! My yandere horror sans is about to almost be done, so I can afford to take on another five part project!
Also like I had to rewrite this three times because wattpad was being a bitch

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now