Bara sans x fem chubby shy self concious reader

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Thank you guys so much for all the nice comments and likes and encouragement! Just ahhhh! It's crazy! Thank you so much, anyway, I hope ya like this! Also WARNING SANS WILL And like I'm sorry that like most of my stories use her/she pronouns like I don't wanna offend anyone but it's like easier because I'm a girl to have a fem reader but YEAH IM SORRY. So like if you're a guy or ambiguous person then just replace the pronouns? Again, I'm sorry if that offends anyone.
Oh yeah, the artist is Tansans on tumblr! Go check that person out! LIKE AGAIN IM SORRY IF IT OFFENDS ANYONE THAT THERE IS A FEM READER LIKE YEAH IM JUST SORRY SORRY.

You nervously tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, taking a deep breath and putting your hands to your sides, clutching them into fists.
Oh goodness- you were so nervous! Why did you think it was a good idea to bring your boyfriend bathing suit shopping?!
He was going to see you and your flab and just- your eyes widened at the thought of him seeing you, your cheeks flushed.
You squeaked - "Uh-Uh y-yeah?"
"You alright in there?" Asked Sans, a little worried.
"Yes, I'm fine."
You looked at the mirror again, blushing, "ooohhh geeeeeezzzaahhuhhhm." you closed your eyes. "I can't believe- uuuuhhhhmmmmmaaaahhhhuuum." You turned away from the mirror.
"Are ya sure you're okay?"

You took another deep breath, looked in the mirror, and exhaled. "Okay," you whispered, "I can do this!" You closed your eyes and opened the dressing room door, spreading your arms out and showing the bathing suit you picked to your boyfriend.
Sans silently looked at you for a moment, you opened one eye, "Is it really that bad?" You asked softly.
"No." He said, "You look really good." His face started to change to a light blue, " You look really good.. really good." He said awkwardly again, "buy that bathing suit- I really like it."
You tucked your hair behind you ear again, "Really?" you asked.
"Yeah," He said, "it looks good on you babe, it hugs all the right places.." he looked down embarrassed, his face growing a darker blue, "And.. I uh.. like the color, and the way.." he looked up at you, " look in it.." you started to feel the heat on your cheeks increase, the both of you were shy awkward geeks, but mostly you were the awkward one, but it seemed now the tables had turned. "..and um.." Sans continued, ".. ya- ya- look hot." He whispered, " I mean, not that you weren't hot or beautiful before sweet cheeks- cause ya were.. but um that uh.." he looked down again, "that.. you never really showed it.. and now you are.. showing it.. and you look.." he looked at you, ".. Beautiful."

You smiled bashfully, "Th-thank you."
"You're welcome."
You went back to the dressing room, took off the suit, and put on your clothes.
I wonder, you thought, if I still look beautiful? Even though I'm not all dressed up.
You picked up the suit, a blue color, and exited the dressing room.
Sans stood up from where he sat, and put his arm around your waist, "Ya know.." he said, "you still look beautiful.."
"Really?" You asked, wary and unsure.
"Yeah, both inside and out. That's.. that's why I like you- the way you can be beautiful both inside and out, I- I really admire that in ya."
You smiled, "I think.." you glanced nervously at Sans, ".. you're beautiful both inside and out too."
"Really?" He asked, as the both of you walked to the register.
"Yeah." You said, as you stood in line.
Sans smiled, "Thank ya."
"You're welcome." You said.

"Next customer!" Said the cashier.
"Oh! That's us!"
You gave the cashier the bathing suit, she scanned it,bagged it,  and you paid her in cash, getting your receipt.
Sans wrapped his arm around yours, and the both of you walked out of the store.

"Ya know babe, I'm glad we went shopping today. I got to see you in something sexy." He teased, winking at you.
You chuckled, "maybe you'll get to see me in something sexier tonight." You giggled, winking at him.
He blushed as you smirked.
You smiled, "God, Sans, I love you."
He looked at you, smiling softly, " I love ya too sweetheart."

An: I feel like this story is okay?? Meh, I like it, I've been writing so much sad stuff lately- I need fluff. Also, I reread this and idk why I feel like it's cringe? You tell me thanks!

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now