horror! yandere sans! x chubby reader part three!

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It had only been a few days.

It felt like months.
Months of isolation, you even got to the point of hearing voices-  you shook your head.

No. No.
It had been days.
There was a small window above you, sometimes it let in the sunlight, but, mostly, it was just filled with a cloudy gray lonely sky.
You had only been here for a few days, you kept marks in the dust- today was day number three.
You looked at the bandages on your arms and thighs, Sans even put a band-aid on where he cut your hand a few days ago, he even seemed a little guilty about the injury as he did it, apologizing and even kissing it.

You remember as his fingers traced your arms and thighs, causing you to stiffen up- "these are gonna get infected, (Y/N).." he then went out the room, and got band-aids, and picked, quite fucking painfully, at the scabs- One. By. One.
You cried, but he comforted you, putting on peroxide and then wrapping the bandages.
Where did he even get these things?
You wondered, as he sat you on his lap, stroking your hair, wiping the tears from your cheeks, and the blood from your thighs and wrists...
...He was so gentle... Apologizing for doing it, saying he had to..
Hejust wanted to protect yo-

You shook your head of those thoughts, and focused on the door, waiting Sans to come, he was the only one to talk to- you had no one else, and even though you generally distrusted him, he still had his moments of kindness... Kind of.

Finally, the door slammed open,almost breaking the silence you were so used to- Sans strutted in, laughing.
"Hey babe!" you didn't like the way his laughter sounded, so you whimpered, and backed away away, cornering yourself into the wall...
"Awww baby, baby, dont be like that!" he approached you slowly, and reached towards you, you flinched a little as he stroked your cheek, you then relaxed.
"Don't you worry, you're too cute to kill, too pretty...too sweet.."
You eyed him warily, swallowing nervously, was something going to happen?
You panicked, and started to shake a little.
"I dont want to hurt you, not gonna.. I will hurt others though." his eye went black for a moment, but then switched to the glowing red pupil you were so accustomed to.

You stared at him, "Wh-what? "
"All the other monsters, I'll kill them, and get us out of here, and teach the people who hurt you a lesson."
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you stared at the deranged skeleton, "W-why?"
"Because!" he grabbed your wrists, his face (or should you call it skull?) inches away from yours, so close that he could feel your short breaths,and smell the fear radiating off of you.. "you should only be covered with bruises and scars when I punish you! when you let me- you should be mine. Mine only, and you are, well, now you are- and one day, you will be underneath me, whimpering in pleasure and pain, begging me to never stop." 
He let go of your wrists, and stroked your cheek again.
"Im sorry I scared you, but you have to understand human, I like you, and I don't like anyone very much nowadays, not even my brother, luckily, I've already killed him... Think, he wanted to eat my precious (y/n).." he unchained your wrists, and took you upstairs, out of the basement.
He then pointed to a pile of dust by the doorway, "He was close..so close to hurting you.. It was a miracle I got here in time!"
He pointed to the dust, and then swept it under a rug, "he doesn't deserve a proper grave, the bastard, didn't listen to me! Would have given him whatever he damned pleased! Stupid idiot." he scoffed, and guided you up another set of stairs, and plopped you down on his bed.
"Don't worry babe, Im not going to do anything you don't want, that deprives me and you of pleasure." you shivered, and scooted to the corner of the bed.
Sans went to the door, "you'll be more comfortable here, pet, now be good while Im away!" he cackled, and shut the door behind him.

As he left, you noticed his eye went blank again, turning from a glowing scarlet into a black void..
..what..what was he going to do?

You shivered in fear, and went to the window, and waited for his return- maybe.. If you were good, he wouldn't hurt you?

People learn to survive in the most conflicting circumstances, but you, with your past and family history, didn't even have to- you knew what to do, keep your head down, mouth shut-

And don't, whatever you do.. You thought to yourself, put up a fight, it only makes things worse, in the end.

That broke your heart a little, and even caused you to shed a few tears, but you listened to the advice, knowing just how true it was.

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now