horror yandere sans x chubby reader part 4

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He liked having you around, you were cute.
He liked you.
No, wait he loved you.
You were his! You belonged to him! No one else!
He stood in front of Undyne, who had heard the news of your presence, and requested that Sans, well, more like threatened-  that he should bring you over,  and he just couldn't have that.

He loved you. You were cute, scared, innocent and vulnerable, even though you put on a strong facade.
His pupil glowed a bright red as he faced her.
"I said no, Undyne."
His hands started to glow, becoming surrounded by red magic, his left eye socket a hallow black, he attacked, thrusting his hatchet, cutting her body in half.
"You should have listened.  You made me get dirty, and this was my favorite shirt, too." he tsked, and took off his blood stained shirt, and teleported back home.
He threw it in the trash can, and then went upstairs to see you, and get a new shirt.

You were looking out the window, touching the glass, he wondered why you hadn't tried to escape yet, why didn't you climb out the window? Use sheets and shirts to get down to the ground? Didn't humans do things like that?
"Honey, I'm home!" you yelped,  and jumped back on the bed, he chuckled, "did I scare ya?" he whispered, walking over to you, you nodded slowly, "use ya words babe, I like hearing ya sweet little voice.."
You swallowed, "Y-yes.. Y-you startled me.." you whispered, while shivering.
"You weren't planning on leaving me, were ya?" his voice was husky, whispering.. Just pretty damn creepy.
You shook your head, "No! I just- like.. Looking out the window.. Its kinda pretty.. Outside.. A-and the snow and the trees are like nothing else I've ever seen-!"
He walked closer, cornering you, staring into your eyes.
"Your cute when you're scared..." he stroked your cheek again, ".. And cute in general, pet.. But you better not try escaping me.." his eye darkened, leaving two hallow voids staring at you, "Cause you'll regret it. That clear?"
You whimpered, "Y-y-yes S-sir!" your eyes glazed over, trying not to cry.
"Aw now, baby! Don't cry! Sans isn't going to hurt ya! As long as you do what I say. You'll be fine!"

You shook, "W-what are you going to do t-to me?" you whimpered again, and tried not to cry, since you didn't want to get punished.
A few tears slipped anyway, and Sans wiped them away, "I'm not gonna hurt you baby.." his tone changed from threatening to gentle, as he pulled you into his lap, and stroked your hair.

You hiccuped, and just as your shoulders started to relax... your stomach growled, you stiffened, your eyes looking up, waiting for his reaction-

He chuckled.
You let a sigh of relief, and relaxed again.
"I know the perfect place."
And with a snap of his fingers, the two of you teleported to a house,and Sans ransacked the cabinets.
"See, this thing-" he said, throwing a framed photograph of a fish woman and a weird looking lizard in the floor- "tried to kill you too! Take ya away! But I got rid of her, easily, she wasn't as strong as she used to be." he looked at with disdain, and stomped on the broken frame, breaking it more, laughing until the glass was nothing more than tiny unrecognizable pieces.
You flinched - because he started to act creepy again, laughing like hynea-  as he took out the boxes of pasta, he asked, "See that yellow lizard? That's the queen.
And that fish lady? The one who tried to kill you? Is her fiancée, that's why, while all the other monsters are starving she's livin' a life of luxury! Look at this, she even has tea!" he threw the box at the wall, "damn bitch deserved to die."  he whispered, craddling the pasta,and grabbing your hand, you froze, thinking he was going to hit you, (because of how angry he looked)  but instead he teleported back into the bedroom.
"Stay here while I make dinner. Don't try anything." he locked the door and slammed it, causing you to jump a little, and whimper.

God, you thought to yourself, I'm so FUCKING pathetic..

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now