horror yandere sans x chubby reader part 5

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He turned off the stove, dumping the hot noodles into the colander, and cooling them off with cold water, he served them on two slightly cracked plates, and teleported back into the room.
"Dinner's ready." he seemed sort of distance to you, was he angry? Did you do something wrong? He was probably mad because you didn't make dinner or something like that- maybe you were just being too much of a burden.
That's why you came down here in the first place, isn't it?  You didn't want your family to have to deal with you anymore.
You got up from the bed, and let Sans take your hand, quickly teleporting you to the kitchen.

Why did he keep you here anyway?
Wouldn't you be better off dead?
He pulled up a chair for you and you sat down as he put a plate in front of you- "Thank you." you whispered, as he walked to his seat, his plate in hand.
He sat down and winked at you, "Snow problem."
This caused confusion at first, until you looked out the window, noticing it was actually snowing.
Which then caused you to smile.
"Ya like that one?"
You smiled, "yeah."
He smiled back, "I'm glad, now eat up."
You did as he said, trying your best not to slurp the noodles.

Your thoughts turned inward.

Why am I still here? No point in keeping me..
You looked towards the window, this guy is bi-polar or something.. Always changing his moods, one moment he's all nice and shit, and the next he's just- kinda mean and scary.

Sans watched you, wondering what you were looking at, what was so interesting about the window, anyway? Wasn't he better?
He wished you weren't so sacred of him, maybe he should try being nicer, maybe you would like him then.

He continued to look at you, and then noticed your clothes, stained and bloody- shit, why hadn't he been taking better care of you?
"You need new clothes."
You snapped out of your thoughts, and looked down at the bloody white shirt you wore, "Oh yeah.." Sans got up from his chair, took your wrist and teleported upstairs.

You never got how he did that, but if you were underground where fucking  it snowed and talking skeletons existed, then you figured anything could be possible.

He opened the drawer, throwing clothes around, until he found a clean shirt, or at least semi-clean, since it had a faded brown stain on the front, he then looked for a pair of shorts, and then threw the clothes at you.

He then exited the room, "I'll give ya some privacy doll." and closed the door.

You yanked off your old shirt, and your bra (IM SORRY IF YOU ARE A GUY OR DON'T WEAR BRAS JUST SORT OF YA KNOW EXCLUDE THAT PART.) you then unbuttoned your white shorts, which had some blood splatters, much to your dismay, and took off your underwear.

It smelled, you felt a feeling of disgust creep down your throat and into your stomach, "eeew.." you whispered, balling up the underwear and wrapping them in the shorts and shirt, you walked to a somehow clean corner of the room and made a little pile there, you hoped sans wasn't the type who sniffed underwear.
Afterward, you put on the clothes sans gave you, and then opened the door.

He checked you out, and smirked.
"You look cute, doll."
You blushed, and cleared your throat, "uh- thank you."
He winked and then walked over to the bed.
He mentioned you over.
You tentatively, with little steps, walked over, standing by the side of the bed.
Please don't let him do anything- oh my god..oh my god- why would he-
You started to shake a little, and even tear up.
"Aw baby, you still think I'm gonna hurt cha?" he whispered gently, sitting up and then wrapping his arms around your waist.
"I'm not", he cooed, "you are way too cute.." he chuckled.
In this moment, in the back of your mind, he almost a seemed- humane.
You almost wanted to slap yourself for the thought, we was just like your family probably, trying to gain your trust just so they could fucking use you.
"I promise, okay?" he whispered, grabbing your shoulders, which startled you and almost made you freak out more.
You nodded.
"Ah, ah, words doll."
You swallowed, "O-okay."
He smiled, and lay back down, with you in his arms, safe and warm.

You relaxed a little, but then stiffened when he buried his face in your neck.
You let out a held breath.
"Tsk, ya still worried?"
You nodded, "Pl-please d-don't hurt me.." you whimpered, "I-I'm so-sorry!"
It broke his SOUL a little to see you like that, " I won't, I promise." you looked at him wearily, brows knitting together.
Why should I trust him? I have to keep my guard up, damn it. He could hurt me any second.. Its happened too many times before..you know how to survive, (Y/N).. You know.

But, a voice answered back in your head, meek and mallow, whining and crying like a child- I'm scared.

You ignored it, and let his grip tighten around you, he sighed, "I'll hurt anybody else but you, sweet cheeks- you're a little bit of hope in this world, ya know? A little cute ray of sunshine! " he bopped you nose, causing the heat from earlier to come back.

He smiled, "ya so cute." he whispered, and snuggled back into your neck, and let out a content sigh...
And then he fell asleep.

Wouldn't this be a good time to escape? You thought.
No, it wouldn't. You replied
Why not?
Too risky
Well, everything is "too risky "for you-
Its not my fault I want to be careful! I mean, shit, he did hurt me and what-
You're just a plain old fat ass coward.

You shivered, and moved closer to your captor, at least he was kind of nice..
You shivered again, and moved closer to the warmth, dismissifn the thoughts of escape.

I wouldn't survive out there anyway, at least here..I can survive.
The voice went silent, unresponsive.
You always say that.

You whimpered, and tried not to cry, how come you were so damn mean to yourself? It didn't make sense at all.
Ignoring the pain in your breast, your turned towards Sans, and burrowed into his chest.

You had to admit to yourself.. It felt nice, and the warmth and the way his arms wrapped around you chased the loneliness away.

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now