Protective/ yandere undertum bara Sans x Chubby reader

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An: I keep writing too many of these bara sans fan fictions but omg I really love him. Anyway, enjoy!!

Guys! I will not be finishing this part of the story, but I decided to publish it anyway. I hope you don't mind.
Torrents of rain fell down as you cried in the alleyway, curled up in a ball as the chaos of lighting and thunder surrounded you.
The sky seemed to reflect your emotions, dark and cloudy, the moon barely seen, it seemed to not even exist anymore, buried beneath the storm.
Clashes of thunder, strikes of lighting, you were alone, consumed by sadness, eaten up by despair- you screamed as thunder roared.

Sobbing, trying to hold onto yourself, you screamed again as thunder and lighting clashed.
Why were you like this? What were you doing here?! No body loved you, no body.
You sat, quiet and still as the rain kept pounding, soaking your clothing, you got up, hurt and betrayed..
how could your best friend hurt you so much?
Wrapping your coat around your torn clothes, you walked home.

The walk was short, the world seemed distant, like you were in a dream- your life felt like a movie, all the people you passed seemed fake, hyper realistic in some ways, they felt inhuman.
Reaching your apartment, you climbed the stairs, unlocked your door, and isolated yourself inside.
You felt hallow, like someone had just scooped out your guts, all the feelings inside you felt..empty. Sighing, you took off the soggy coat, striped off your shirt and pants, and took off your underwear. Then you went to the shower, silent as the hot water steamed up, you stepped in, hissing in pain, but not really caring anymore, you curled up on the floor and cried, staying there for hours.

They all passed by in a blur, time seemed smeared, you thought it was thirty minutes, but it was two hours- two freaking hours of crying and sitting in the shower.
You wrapped yourself in a towel, got your phone from your wet coat, and checked on the time- it was 5:30 in the morning, you got home around..2:00 am or so.

You thought of calling Sans, just to have that comfort, but didn't, turning off your phone and shuffling to bed, you laid down and fell asleep, phone beside you.

You woke up to ringing.
You groaned, opening your eyes and tapping the green button in the screen.
"Babe, you alright? I was worried.."
"I'm fine, don't worry."
"You sure?"
You swallowed, "..yeah."
You paused, "B-but can.. can you come over?"
"Of course, I'll be right there."
"Okay, bye."
You hung up and got dressed, rubbing your eyes you went out of your room, looking at the pile of wet clothes on the floor. You wanted Sans, you needed him, why did your friend have to beat you up like that? Didn't she love you? Or, at least, that's what she said- she probably lied, beating you up because she had new friends now, she didn't need you anymore.

You heard a rip.
"Hey,sweet pea."
You smiled softly, "hi."
"You okay?"
You shook your head, and ran to him, hugging him.
"What happened?" He asked, taking your face into his hands, examining the bruises. You could see him trying not to get angry.
"I got beat up." You whispered.
His eyes started to glow a little, "By who?"
Your lip quivered, "m-my best friend.." you started to tear up, the clear liquid running down your cheeks.
"Oh, baby.." Sans said,wiping your tears away, "don't cry, sweetheart." He picked you up, cradling you.
"I can't he-help it.." you wrapped your arms around his neck, nuzzling into it. More tears ran down, you hated being sensitive sometimes, things hurt you a lot- so many things hurt you. You sniffed, and took a deep breath. "Why did she have to do it, Sans?" You asked, "Why? Wasn't I a good friend?"
"I don't know why she did it.." Sans said, "but..she won't get away with it, alright?"
"Alright." You whispered, pulling yourself closer to him, you hated how you depended on him- needed him, how you sometimes felt that he did love you.. but how could anyone love a girl like you? How?

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now