Chubby reader x Error! Sans (Part 2)

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An: I love making you guys wait. Mwhahaha

"(Y/N)..I love... You too.."
You looked up quickly and let out a weak smile, and sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness- I thought you wouldn't love me back.." you started to cry a little, Error wiped the tease with the wires- "WwHat's wronGg?"
"I'm just- so damn happy."  you chuckled, and laughed and smiled.
Error smiled- "God, I love you."
He reached out towards you, his hand touching the screen, and then, going through it.
You looked at him surprised, as he stroked your cheek.
"Holy shit." you said.
He smiled weakly.
"It taAkes a lot of energy.. So I dOon't dOOo Iit- buuUt I thoought toOdAay was a speEEcial oOOoccasion."
You smiled.

"(Y/NnN) do you waNt to COme wiTh mE?"
You nodded
"YoU WiLL HaVE TOo WaIt.. FOr whEn I hAve more enErgy.."
"That's okay Error, I will wait."
He smiled.

Two weeks later..
"ArE yOu reAdY?"
You nodded, grabbing your things, Error put those through the screen first, one at a time.. "I'm staying the night right?" he nodded, luckily you only had one suitcase, so it didn't take much energy out of him.
And then he took you through the screen.

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now