Yandere horror sans x chubby reader part 6

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A week after your capture, you began to trust the skeleton, letting him in on bits and pieces of your past, just scattered  happy memories, of books you've read, things you've written, teachers you hated and liked, even embrassing moments.

When you first slept with him, you awoke to a nightmare, you had been uncomfortable with the touching, but now.. After a month of staying with him, it almost seemed normal.

And even though you were opening up, you weren't going to tell him about the abuse, even though the hurtful words of your family and peers still haunted you, whispering and crawling like ghosts through the frantic halls of your mind, causing you restlessness and nightmares, Sans didn't even ask what the dreams were about,just held you, in the warmth and comfort of the darkness,whispering words of affection and love, kissing you and cuddling you.

Am I trusting him too easily? Why does he even like me?
You asked this to yourself daily, brows burrowing together, a frown coming to your face,
you would look at the skeleton asking yourself-
How does he even like cuddling with me?
Why do I even like cuddling with him? I mean- he did capture me!!
I should hate him! Hate him!

..but I don't. I pity him, I feel bad.

You would sigh, tucking the thoughts away, they weren't for now, only for the times -which were getting less and less nowadays- when Sans left you alone- and those thoughts wouldn't help you survive anyway.
Shifting, you would bury your face into Sans his chest, closing your eyes again.

Another month passed, and the two of you grew closer, the days seemed blurry and hazy- but you knew you had been here, in the underground, for more than just a few weeks.

Why did you even want to stay in this hell hole?
Why did it seem, even though it was covered with chaos, better than the home you came from?
You frowned, scrubbing the various knives and cleavers Sans used, making sure they were clean, he didn't like the idea of you just laying around the house, with nothing to do, so he gave you a small amount of chores,
-He did this, you later learned, to help you keep your SANity- the chores just consisted of cleaning his bloody weapons and clothes, at first, you had been afraid of the sight of blood, but now, you had gotten used to it, even growing numb to it.
Why do I like him?
You continued scrubbing the metal with an old dirty sponge.
Why does he like me?
You growled, finally managing to lift the stain on the metal.
Why am I not scared anymore?
Why do I feel- nice? Whenever I'm around him?
Why do I-

"Hey sweetcheeks!" he slammed open the door, you squeaked, dropping the meat cleaver into the dirty water.
"S-Sans! You startled me!"
He chuckled, "Awh, I'm sorry baby. " he said, walking towards you, hugging you from behind, and kissed your cheek,causing you to blush.

Why do I feel so happy? Right here,in his arms?
He picked you up, causing you to squeal- "Sans-!"  and started to snuggle with you.
"I missed you so much baby." he whispered, causing your heart to flutter, "I hate having to go work, its so exhausting- I like bein' with you more."
You smiled, blushing, your heart starting to beat faster.
He stroked your hair, "I don't like leaving you here alone.." he kissed your cheek again, and continued to stroke your hair.
" But I'm gonna protect ya, okay?"
You nodded, "O-okay."
Your heart pounded in your chest, but not in fear, and you started to wonder if he could hear it, you wondered if he could hear the flurry of metaphorical wings of the butterflies in your stomatch.

No one had ever thought you were worthy of protection, but Sans did.. He thought.. He thought.. He thought you were worthy of protection.

Of being loved.

I feel safe.
For once, in my life, I actually feel... Kind of safe.

He kissed your cheek and then carried you to the table, and sat you down on a chair.
"I got meat today." he said, turning on the stove.
"Yeah, I gotta make sure you eat." you blushed, "what about you?"

"Eh, I'll be fine."

"I'm still gonna share."
He turned to you, startling you a bit, and laughed.

"You're too sweet baby!" he wiped an imaginary tear from his eye socket, "but there's enough for the both of us."

Your mouth made an "o" shape, "well, if there's ever a time where there isn't I'll still share."

He chuckled, and went to the living room and got a big bloody bag full of meat, you could tell he was starving, he hadn't been eating much lately, and you hoped he would give himself a bigger portion than yours, he needed it more than you did.
Sans rushed to the kitchen, tore open the bag and quickly lit up the stove, and put its contents on a pan.

He made sure you weren't looking as he ate some of the raw meat, cooking the rest.

Why do I like you so much Sans?
You asked yourself, watching the meat sizzle, you grew a little hungry too.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Sans served the plates, and sat you in his lap.

Sans started to eat, and made sure you ate too.

After the meal, the both of you sat on the couch, watching TV.

"Uh, Sans.."


"Oh..uh..um..thank you-for everything."

He paused, and responded tentatively, not used to gratitude- "Your.. Uh.", he blushed, "welcome. "
You chuckled, and snuggled into his warmth.

I feel so safe.

I love you a skeleTON ( sans x chubby reader) (discontinued! Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now