Chapter 8; Important Conversations

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Mackenzie's POV

I got home later than usual tonight. I'm expecting to be yelled at for it, that's why I'm mentally preparing myself for it.

I was surprised though. Mom was still up sitting on the couch, she was watching the news smoking a cigarette. She had a few bottles of alcohol next to her.

This happens very rarely, but when it does sometimes bad things happen.

She turns to me. There's no facial expression on her face. Just a blank face.

"Hello mom," I greeted hesitantly.

"Hello Mackenzie," mom greets back.

"What do you need me to get?" I ask.

"Nothing Mackenzie," mom answered. "But, Mackenzie could you come here please."

I walked over nervously. I'm afraid she's going to beat me like before. I'm so wrapped in my thoughts I don't realize that I'm standing in front of her.

"How are you doing? Still miss your father?" Mom asked.

"I'm fine and yes I do miss him. Don't you?"

"Very much, that's not what I wanted to talk about though. What I said before, I wasn't being serious on making your death look like an accident. But I was being serious about nobody can know," mom explained.

I nodded, "I know mom. I won't say anything. Promise."

She nods, "good. Now go upstairs," she dismisses.

I couldn't be happier to be sent to my room. When I get up there I change and lay in my bed.

NYC122: I wish I could talk to you in person

Shock: I do too

NYC122: you wouldn't like me though

Shock: yes I would. Why do you say that?

NYC122: nobody likes me

Shock: there has to be people that like you.

NYC122: there are. Just not many.

Shock: well I like you and I hope that counts.

NYC122: if does. Can I tell you something?

NYC122: actually nvm

Shock: no tell me. Please

NYC122: I was going to say you're one of the few people that make me happy. Make me feel like i Matter in the world.

Shock: well I'm glad I do that for you.

Shock: I'm sorry to cut it short so soon. I had a long day today I'm really tired. Goodnight💜😘😴

NYC122: Goodnight💚😘😴


I wake up the next morning and sighed. I don't want to go to school and I don't want to make breakfast for them.

Even though I hate doing it, I'd rather be working in the diner all day. Only because it's my safe haven. Everyone there I love.

There was a knock at my door. Unusual. I go over and open it, revealing Madison.

"Mackenzie, about last night-"

"Don't Madison, I know you don't like me. I know you hate me, and I know your plan. So stop acting all nice," I say moving past her.

"What plan?" Maddie questioned.

"Stop okay! Stop pretending you don't know what I'm talking about!"

I storm off and make breakfast. I rush out as fast as possible because I don't want to be there.

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