Chapter 1-Goodbye New York

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'Mandy,honey,be a dear and get my handbag!'My mum called out.

'OKAY!!!'I yelled from my room.I shut my Lord of The Rings book(bookworm and still am!!) and went to my parents' bedroom.I ran down the stairs with my mum's handbag.

'Honey are you done packing?'

'Yeah.Why do you think I was reading?'

'Oh okay honey.'I didn't mean to be rude but,hey when you packed your family to skip continent,you tend to snap.Just then,my 13 year old brother Andy ran straight into my already packed bag I brought down from my room,toppling it over.

Instead of apologizing like a good boy,he yelled,'WHO PUT THE BAG IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY??!!'

'You toppled it over!!'I yelled back.

'I was calmly walking and-'

'Calmly walking??!!'

'Guys please!!Stop shouting!!I'm trying to pack!'Mum yelled at us.

'Sorry mum!'I shouted,retreating into my room.


'So,when's your flight?'My best friend,Laura Isla(pronounced Ai-la) asked.

'6:00 pm.'I grumpily answered.My best friend and I are about to be separated from me.It's like,trying to separate Siamese twins joined in the hip without killing one.

'I'm gonna miss you.'Laura said,with a puppy dog face.Not only she was my best friend,she was my next-door neighbour since I was 5.It's hard to leave.

'Don't worry,we can still call,What's app,Facebook,Twitter,send mail and Facetime,right?'I said,trying to cheer her up.

'Yeah,but it won't be the same.'

'I know.'


We hugged as the announcement for our flight boomed around the airport.I sighed and Laura had tears in her eyes.'Call me as soon as you touched down.'

'Um...yeah I will.'

'Promise?'I nodded.We left for our plane.I can't believe I'm leaving New York for London.Do they have Starbucks?

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