Chapter 5-Silent

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Harry's POV

I don't know why I'm like this when SHE'S around.Goddamnit why is she even IN London?!Why couldn't she stay in New York?!Why did her parents choose Kensington Gardens in the first place??!!!!Why why why??!!!!

The truth is,I think I'm falling for her.Well,if that's what I feel...And I've never ever felt this way before with any girl,not even Kate Winslow (Definately not Kate Winslet!!!)

I guess I should say,how I got my bad boy status.I've got a list..

1.I'm a player

2.I LOVE to skip school-if I haven't been caught in a long time-

3.I bully other guys too,but not often

See??I've gotten suspended tons of times but some of the girls say that they love bad boys.

Oh,and did I mention I hate Geography and Biology?Now,I hate them even more when she's here!!I've got Music and that's my favourite subject,next to PE.I hope she's not in that class...

The bell rang.I stormed off,with Liam catching up to me.'HEY!!!'

I turned around.'What,Liam?'

'What the hell was that for?!'

'Sorry.'I mumbled.

'What is wrong with you?!That hurt like mad!Are you crazy?!'

'I said I'm sorry,okay?!I didn't mean to hit hard.'

'Why did you do that anyway?'Liam's eyes narrowed.'Was it because of...Amanda?'

'No!'I actually don't know the reason myself.Something got over me,it's this weird feeling that I don't know of.

'Then why?'

'I don't know!!!'I left,leaving Liam in the hallway.


I was somehow early to class,so I pulled out my iPhone and played songs by an old,not-so-famous band called White Eskimo.Sub-consciously,I closed my eyes to drown out the class.So I was surprised when I heard Amanda's voice.I opened my eyes to see Amanda,talking to a girl 3 seats in front of me.

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