Chapter 22-More Bad Things

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While we had our make out session,we didn't hear my mom come home.She called my name a couple times.She went into my room.

"Amanda!!"She yelled.

We jumped apart."Oh shit."Harry muttered.

"What the hell are you doing??I called your name a couple of times and you didn't answer!I thought something bad happened!"She continued.

"I'm so sorry,Mom.I can-"I started.

"No!You,"She pointed at Harry,"Get back home!"

"Excuse me,ma'am,I'm not-"

"This is something me and my daughter needs to settle this between ourselves."She narrowed her eyes at Harry.He put both hands up,as if to surrender and retreats to his room.

"I recall asking the same question before.Why is our neighbour in your room,Amanda?"


"You were gonna do the thing weren't you?"She asked me.


"I told you-"

"No!You wanted me to really be a person,and now that I am,you're trying to make me seem like a total bitch,just so that I'm forced to follow your oh-so-perfect life!You think I want to be in a boring life?!"

"I don't-"

"Mom,I get that you want me to have a good life.But it doesn't have to be like yours.Can't I even kiss a guy without you flying over and disrupting it?"I lowered down my voice.

"But you know Harry is a womanizer!He-"Okay now I'm really angry.

"Why can't you see he's CHANGED?!What kind of womanizer would wait around for a plain nerd like me?!He loves me and I sure do love him too!"

"He's obviously good at lying!People like that need to be avoided!"Mom said.

"Okay you know what.Believe what you want.Okay,you see him as a womanizer.Well,you're wrong.That's all I have to say."

"Give me your phone."


"I said,give me your phone."

"No way!It's not a crime to tell your opinion!"

"But it is when you talk back to your mom."Her expression is so grave.

"No way,you can't-"

"Fine!You're grounded for a month!"


"And you will never see the boy ever again!"I shut up.The more I talk,the more punishments I get."My decision is final."She turned and left.

I realized I was holding my anger in.So I took my blade and went into the bathroom.Cutting all over my arms.

Then,I heard my mom's voice through the thin walls between my room and the master bedroom."She's really in love with the boy.I wish they'd just....somehow break up..."

"Honey,she's 16.She's old enough to know if a guy is bad for her."I heard Dad.

"But that's the problem.She's too naive to understand.I'm scared if Harry will hurt her.I've heard so many bad things about him."

"But those are just rumors!You can't seriously believe in them more than your own daughter!"

"What pains me is that she's not even our daughter!"

My heart sank.Oh.My.God.I sank to the floor.I'm not.....I started crying.Holy shit.Wait.Then who's daughter am I?


Dinner.I'm about to ask them.We were eating lasagne.I played around with my food using my fork.Then,I finally got around to ask."Mom,Dad,can I ask you something?"I asked in a squeaky voice,unlike the voice I had when I was pissed off.....

"Uh,yeah sure,honey.What's wrong?"Dad nodded.

"I overheard you two talking.About me.And how I'm...not your daughter."

Mom gasped."You're not meant to hear-"

"Mom.It's too late.I heard it."

To Alex,Dad said,"Alex,go to your room."

"But Dad,I'm eating!"

"Go,Alex."He reluctantly left the table."Amanda,we're really sorry for you to hear that."Dad continues once he's sure Alex is gone.

"Bullshit.Now tell me."

"Swearing isn't the becoming of a lady."Mom said.

"So is keeping a secret from your 'daughter' for 16 years!"I spat back at her.They both went silent.Finally Dad spoke.

"We found you on our doorstep.Someone left a card with you.We had to take you in."Dad's voice broke.He started sobbing.I've never seen Dad cry like this before.Mom tried to sooth Dad.I wish I could just walk away.But I needed answers.

"Do you know who left me?"I asked.

Mom shook her head."Do you still have the card?"I pressed.

"Yes,it's with us.I'll go get it."Mom rushed upstairs.

"I'm so sorry that you heard that.We didn't tell you because we wanted to wait for you to tell you in an age where you would understand."Dad said.

"But I would get hurt even more,Dad.If you told me later,I would never forgive you."

"Amanda,don't say that.I'm very sorry,I can't imagine how hurt you must be."Dad said.

Just then,Mom came back with something in her hands.She handed it to me.

"Dearest sister,

I am leaving my daughter with you,because I know she'd be safe in your hands.One day,you must tell her about me and Eric.But it has to be at a right time.I know she wouldn't forgive me,or Eric for that matter,for abandoning her.My condition is getting worse.I know she's safe with you.I just didn't want Eric to hurt her.And tell her I love her.She's the only thing I love in this whole wide world.And I'm truly sorry.Your sister,Elsa Smith."

I read it out loud.Tears spill."Your sister?"I said."So I'm actually your niece?"

"Y-yes darling."

"What happened to my mom?"I asked.

"We don't know.She was last seen in Holmes Chapel."Dad said.Holmes Chapel....

"Hold on,that's Harry hometown!"I said.

"Don't-"Mom started.

"I need to talk to him!"

"Honey,he's-"Dad said.

"No!After all you did,I deserve to know and see my mom!"I yelled.

"We can't-"

"I'm going!And you both aren't going to stop me!"I yelled and stormed into my room.

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