It Gets Worse

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Two months in a new school and not much bullying.Wow.A new record!(Note:I'm actually surprised!)First time in forever.

Anyway,we got out of the cafe,with our drinks and food in hand.As usual,we would finish our food on the way and go to our lockers.We would walk to Biology after the daily bullying of Mean and Meaner.Seriously,they don't stop!

We said 'see ya' to the guys and left for our lockers.Turns out,Riley's locker is next to mine.As we expected,Mean and Meaner was there.I never found out Purple and Blue's name though.I still had my cup of Costa coffee.She walked up to me and said,"What's that on your face?Oh it's guilt AND COFFEE!!!She smacked the bottom of my coffee cup,causing the top to fly open and coffee to spill on my clothes.

Riley swore like a sailor and bitch-slapped P&B's face.I guess Riley's slaps are hard,as she stumbled backwards.As if it wasn't bad enough,our principal walked past us.He heard the whole swearing AND the slap.

"You three,my office.Now."

"But sir,my shirt-"

"Now."I gulped.We followed him to the office.


Riley,P&B and I sat opposite Principal Wright,with me in the middle."What in the world were you doing?!"

"She slapped me,sir!For no reason!"P&B said,stroking her face.

"I only did it because you spilt her drink down her shirt!"

"She's lying!!!"

"It's still wet you sneak!"

"Why did do it Kate?"Kate is a fabulous name!

"She,"Kate pointed at me."Stole my boyfriend!And she's trying to steal Niall Horan from-"


"She.Did.Not!"Riley blurted out.

Sticking up for her,hm?Better than your friend who told Barb!"Kate sneered.


"Quiet EVERYONE!!!"Principal Wright yelled.His office was in pin drop silence."Miss Winslow,why exactly did you spill her drink on her clothes?"

"I-I...She's a boyfriend snatcher!She's stolen my boyfriend Harry and she's trying Niall!"

"I did not!Harry isn't my boyfriend-"

"That's right he's MINE!!"

"No!He's my neighbour!We talk!That's it.Niall is my best guy friend!I'm not a whore!"I said."Unlike you."I muttered under my breath.

"Oh really?"She smirked.

"Stop it Kate.Don't be jealous!"Riley said,200% done with Kate.

"Alright!Clear out!I don't have time for teenage romance!"Principal Wright said.

"Let's get you cleaned up."Riley patted my back.I nodded.Gawd!We missed Biology for this?!

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