Chapter 24-Hello,Mother

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A curtain of blonde hair peeked out of the door.Before I could stop myself,I said,"Mum?"

The blonde looked up.She had a tired face,with a slight slump of fatigue.She seemed too young.She looked probably 14."Who do you think I am?!Out!"She yelled.

"We're here to-"Harry started but she cut him off.

"No!You will not take Miss Smith to the institute!"She tried to close the door but Harry hastily lodged his foot to stop the door from closing.

"We're here to see Elsa Smith.You see,I have her daughter with me."Harry said.

"You most certainly will not-"

"Look,lady," I growled at her."I just want to see my mum.Let us in.NOW."

After a moment,she opened the door.She eyed us with hatred."Second door on the right.Don't do anything funny."She stormed off.

I looked around.I saw pictures of her placed on the mantelpiece.A mug that says 'World's Best Mum'.I almost snorted at that.The walls was decorated with floral wallpaper and paintings.One painting caught my attention.It was a woman,outside a door,putting a basket down on the steps.It looked like there was a baby in it.Then I thought,Was that her?Sending me to my 'Mum's' house? 

"Again,I'm asking you,Amanda.Do you really want to-"Harry said but I interrupted him.

"Yes,Harry,I'm sure."I took a deep breath before opening the door.

A small woman lay on the bed,the covers pulled to her chest.Some tubes were attached to her hands and a cannula in her nose.The room was bare,with a small closet and some pictures hung on the wall.Her face was sickly pale and hollow.Her eyes bloodshot and her mouth cracked.Her blonde hair tangled and a mess.Her hands were like branches on a tree,stick-like and crooked.

Her gaze fell on me as Harry and I entered the room."Rose!Why are the social workers here?"The woman-my mother- asked,her voice raspy and quiet.

"It's your daughter."I could hear the sneer in Rose's voice,as if it's an insult.

My mother let out a small gasp."Is it-is it really you?"She lifted a hand,as if to reach for me.

"Oh,I dunno.Am I your daughter?"I didn't mean too be that snarky.She had a hurt expression.Harry was looking around the room.

"Oh,dearie,I'm sorry.I'm so sorry.I shouldn't have left you with Anna!"She looked like she was pleading."Goodness,I don't even know your name!"

I looked at her coldly."It's Amanda Steel."

"How have you been?Is he your boyf-"

"You have no right to ask those questions,Mother."I sneered.All the rage I kept since finding out that I was left at my parents' doorstep were bottled up until now.

"Amanda."Harry gave me a warning look.I ignored him.

"You could have at least came and visited!Or even tell Mum to tell me!Did you even know what I look like?"


"Don't honey me!"I yelled.

"Look,Amanda.I'm really sorry but you don't understand,I-"

"Oh,I don't understand?So,what,you left me because of...?Oh wait,I wouldn't understand!"

"Amanda listen to me.Please."She paused before continuing."When I gave birth to you,I was already diagnosed with brain cancer.Eric was long gone before you were even born.I had no choice.The doctors said that I wasn't in good shape to take care of you.I decided to give you over to my half-sister,Anna.At the time,she was said to not be able to give birth-"

"Wait.Then what about Alex?"I asked.

"Anna said he was their miracle baby.Somehow,they got Alex."She shrugged.

"You talked to Mum?"

"Yes.She keeps me posted on your wellbeing."

"And you never had the urge to visit your own daughter.How thoughtful."I smirked.

"Amanda,please,hear her out."Harry said.

"You're Harry Styles!I used to babysit you and Jenna!"

"Yep,it's me.And my sister's Gemma."He nodded at her.

"Anyway,I didn't visit because you were still very young."

"Like I said to my parents,the longer you wait to tell me,the more pissed off I get."I said,non-chalant.

"Come here,Amanda.I want to see you before I go."

"Go?"Harry's head jerked up from the battered book he was reading.

"Brain tumors aren't always curable."

I went to my mother's side."B-but I just met you.As much as I hate you for leaving me,you're still my mother."

"Oh,darling."She looked at me with such...motherly tenderness.She traced a finger against my cheek."Do you know what I wanted to name you?"

I shook my head."Annabelle.I always liked that name.You can't really choose a name to call you by.Should I call you Anne,or Belle,or Anna,or Annie?Sadly,I gave that chance up 16 years ago."Her eyes were shining with tears.

"Mum.Don't cry.I'm here,and that's all that matters."Tears streamed down my face without me realizing.

"You called me Mum."She smiled.

"You are my mother."

"I love you,darling.Don't you forget that.I will always love you,honey."She hands shook.

"I love you too,Mum."I kissed her forehead.

Just then,the door opened.Rose came in."Alright that's it.Get out,both of you.She needs rest.Let her sleep.Go!"

"What's got your knickers in a knot?"Harry sneered.I almost laughed.

"Oh,I dunno.Maybe because my mother is chatting up with her other daughter?"

"What?"I sputtered,bewildered.

"She never told you?Oh,that's right.I'm the one stuck here taking care of her."She jerked her head towards Mum.

"It's not her fault she didn't know her mother!"Harry burst out in an outrage.

"Well,if it weren't for her father, Amanda wouldn't have existed!Things would have been different!"

"But things did happen.So,sucks to be you,Rose."I retorted.

"Get out of this house!You two will not be seen 5 metres within the house.Out!!"She yelled.

We got out of the house reluctantly.Rose slammed the door and double bolted the door.It was a chilly night.I rubbed my arms to keep warm.

"Well,that's that."Harry shrugged.He seemed cold too.We started walking in the dark.

"I guess that's all I'll ever get from my real mother."

"Aw,c'mon Amanda.She was a nice woman."

"Gosh,my half-sister is a bitch!Goodness!"I cried out.I have a half-sister.Wow.

"Maybe she feels as if she was cooped up in that house?And she's jealous that you were more free to do anything."

"Free?I don't even know my mother,Harry!"

"Let's just find a hotel and we'll stay for the night.Okay?"He took my hand in his and gave a reassuring squeeze.


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