Chapter 6-Friends?

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What is up with Harry?He looks asleep.But when I asked the girl next to me if I could sit next to her,his eyes opened and then he glared at me.I wasn't even shouting!!

'Are you staring at Harry Styles?'She asked me.She's got freckles on her nose and her name is Danielle.

'No I'm not!He's my new neighbour.'

'Oh.My.Gosh!I saw the way he looked at you,it's sooo Twilight!!And since he's your neighbour,you gotta lock your bedroom windows.'She warned me.

'Wh-Why?'I said,slightly taken aback.

'He's a player.He probably did it with all the girls in our school.Until Kate happened.'

'He's a player?'

'Yeah.He...broke my best friend's heart.We're not friends anymore.'

'Oh?What happened?'

'She thinks that I told Barbara Palvin the whole issue of Harry and her.'

'Who's this friend of yours?'

'I don't think you know her.Her name is Riley Frost.'Riley?!Oh,that's why she was uneasy about the whole do-you-have-a-crush-on-Harry issue.He hurt her??



'I said,do you know her?'

'Yeah actually.She's in Biology and Geography with me.'

'Oh.'She said,biting her bottom lip.


Me and Andy hopped on the train to Kensington Gardens.There,I saw Riley."Hey Riley!!!"

She looked up from her book and said,"Oh,hi Amanda!"

"So....what are you reading?"

"Some random book called 'The Edge of Never'.It's actually quite good..."

"Cool!So,where you heading?"

"Bayswater.I live there."

"Oh cool!So...tell me your story."


"I mean like,your hobby and stuff."

"Oh!Well,I love this book called The Fault In Our Stars-"

"Same here!!!Did you cry when (Spoiler's alert!!) Augustus died?"

"Yeah I was having an emotional breakdown or something!!"


"Bru.No.Mars!!!"What's with the suspense??!!!

"O Me Gosh we are so alike!!!"

"Ladies,our train's here!Stop talking about Harry Styles!"Suddenly,Andy came up to us.

"Er...who's that kid?"

"That's my brother Andy and he hates being called a kid."


We got on the train and talked about The Fault In Our Stars and Bruno Mars until we reached Bayswater.


I walked into my room to see....Harry on the treadmill in his room,visible by our windows being open and all.Did I mention he was wearing skinny jeans?

He was stretching his arms to the front and top,dancing to Timber,by Pitbull and Ke$ha.I was laughing so hard,my side hurt!

He whipped around and caught me laughing at him.He went to a chest of drawers next to his bed and pulled out a notebook and permanent marker.He wrote something and held it up.Oh.No.NOT the 'You Belong With Me" music video!!!

Anyway,he wrote,"So,how's London so far?"I scoured through my room and wrote "Okay I guess."and held it up for him to read.This messaging system continued.

"Any cute guys out here?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Nothing."He probably decided  that he told too much information because he waved at me and disappeared from my view.

I was halfway through reading The Fault In Our Stars(for the millionth time!!) when a bright light flashed from the window.Harry was flashing a torchlight into my room.He held up a message that said,"Let's talk."

I gulped.Damn,he made me all nervous suddenly.Nevertheless,I wrote,"Sure.What about?"

"Why don't you wear short sleeved shirts?They look good on you!"I blushed at that comment.Yet,I ponder on whether I should tell this virtual stranger my darkest secret.

Okay.Truth is,I used to self harm.All over my arms.Tons of scars.In New York,I have been bullied by this group of popular guys and girls.Remember,I said I was a bookworm?Yeah,makes sense for a nerd to love books,huh?

I used to wear glasses too.But now,I wore contact lenses.Me and Laura were the 'Nerdy Twins' and that sucked.I wonder if Laura's okay without me there with her....Anyway,I broke my glasses so many times until my mum said that I should just wear the contact lenses.Self harm and music were my solution.Now it's mostly music.They scars don't fade...they are signs of a tormented soul.

I kinda forgot that Harry was there so I got a mini heart attack when the torchlight beamed again.The message said,"Well?"

I quickly wrote,"It's a complicated story."

"I have no homework."

"I can't tell you."

"Aw c'mon!!"I shook my head.He had this cute puppy dog face that melted my heart...a bit.

And of course,someone had to disrupt our 'chat'.It was Andy.He was bugging me about Riley.That kid moved on from Gemma pretty fast....*wink wink*.He left my room,only knowing what Riley is like.

When Andy left,I looked outside the window to see....Harry perched outside!Judging by his open window,he probably snuck out through the window.He was grinning at me."Someone has a crush on your friend!"

"Yeah..."I wonder if he remembers the Riley issue....

And then,all my memories talking to Danielle in Music rushed back to me."Er....what are you doing?"

"Getting to know my new neighbour!"

"Go home,Harry!!Before I tell my parents!They do not like guys in my room!"

"I'm not inside."Well yeah,he's crouching on the ledge....

"What do you want to know?"

"You can't avoid this question or I'll leave through the front door..."


"Okay.Tell me the secret of your past.The one your mum talked about."

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