Chapter 8-Unexpected Visitors

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I woke up pretty early today.I showered and got ready for school.I'm wearing my blue long sleeved shirt with skinny jeans and black sneakers.I curled my hair,which is a routine I suddenly got used to as I reached London.

Someone rang the doorbell as I poured my cereal.No one was down yet as they were showering,so I opened the door.

There wasn't a visitor.There were five!Even Harry was there.I do not wanna remember last night',so I politely smiled at him.He seemed pretty distant today.Anyway,the others were babbling about us being late,we gotta be early and my poor choice of cereal.Yes,they crashed into my house....

Mum was actually crying because I made guy friends with 'real guys' and not the emo kind.So what?!My best guy friend was depressed but he's not here anymore.My best guy friend commited suicide!Mum thinks that I love him that I'd try to follow him!!


"So,how's London so far?"Riley asked me.The guys,Andy,Riley and Chelsea Snow and me too are occupying most of the carriage.Anyway,Riley's been telling me about the fantastic view on the top of London Eye.She said,"If you ever get a guy-she nodded to Harry (puh-leaze!!)- go on the Eye for a romantic ride!"

I gave her a look like 'Seriously?!!' and she shrugged.

Harry haven't said a single thing since....last night!Niall's been sneaking peeks at Riley-ooohhhh!!!-with Louis giggling-do boys giggle??- next to him.Liam's with his unofficial girlfriend,Chelsea Snow.Zayn's doing a FaceTime with his girlfriend who couldn't come to school.Her name is Perrie Edwards by the way.

"So....what happened to Harry?"Riley asked.

"I dunno...I was thinking about the same thing."

"Huh.He's giving you a lingering gaze,which means he wants something from you."

I decided to trip her up by saying,"How would you know?Maybe he's tired."

"Ask him then!"I brushed this request off.Then,we reached the stop.


We were walking to school,when finally,Harry pulled me back with such carefulness."Did you talk to anyone about it?"

"About what?"He gently pulled my sleeve back,revealing 3 years worth of scars.How did he know?!!


"I saw you last night.Is this your secret?"

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