Chapter 26-Looking For Amanda

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(Harry's POV)

"Amanda,you can shower now.I'm done!"I called out.I was drying my hair with the towel.Amanda didn't answer."Amanda?We need to go home soon."I said."Amanda?"How hard is it to wake up??

I got out of the bathroom."C'mon,Amanda,wake up,we need-"She's not here."Oh shit!"I threw on some clothes,took my phone and went out of our room.I went down to the lobby and headed to the receptionist.

"Morning,Mr Styles.Can I help you with anything?"She asked me.

"Uh,yeah,um have you seen my girlfriend leave the hotel or...?"

"Ah,yes,she left earlier,10 minutes ago."

"Alright,thank you."I exited the building.I looked around.She wouldn't have took off like that.Obviously not without showering.But she took her jacket.And her phone.She could be in danger and you're just standing there??Think you idiot!She wouldn't have gone to buy breakfast without telling me,so she wouldn't be at the bakery.Wait.I think I know where she is.But the question is why?


(Harry's POV) 

I arrived at Elsa Smith's house.No sign of Amanda,but I'm sure she's here somewhere."Amanda?"I called out.No answer.The door's unlocked.My hand was about to reach and open the door but I stopped.No idiot old lady would leave the door unlocked.So I went round the back.The back door was locked.But I know that the key would be in a random hollow rock on the ground.I shook a few rocks,and found one that rattled."Bingo."I whispered to myself.

I unlocked the door and crept into the dark,silent house."Amanda?"I whispered softly."Where are you?"It's already 8 am and I'm sure that Rose girl is already awake.But the house is still quiet.I tried the room where we met Amanda's mother.

Amanda was lying down on the bed,an IV tube connected to her.And Elsa Smith with Rose standing on either side on the bed.


I tried to wake up but all I see is darkness.I tried to move but I felt paralysed.Hell,I can't even think properly.I can't blink,breathe,move and think without something hurting.

Somewhere,in the distance,I could hear someone say my name."Amanda?"I'm certain that it's Harry.

"Harry!"I tried to scream,but no sound comes out.I was starting to cry.Tears fell silently as I curled up on the hard floor of this dark place.The pounding in my head won't stop.At last,I fell into a sleep again.


(Harry's POV)

"Ah,Harry Styles,come to save your princess?"Rose sneered.Elsa held a syringe in her hand.

"What did you do to her?"I growled.

"Oh,nothing,all we did was force her into a deep,painful sleep."Elsa shrugged.I took a step to move towards Amanda."Ah ah ah."Elsa clucked her tongue."One more step,and this,"She half-raised her syringe."will enter her bloodstream and she will be dead by the time you get to her side."

"In other words,instant death."Rose chimed.

"I'm not stupid."I glared at Rose.Rose just smirked."Why the hell would you do this to her?"

"Remember Eric,her father?Yeah,well he has some....unfinished business with my boss."Elsa said.

"Unfinished business?"


Eric was a manwhore.He'd do anything for a night of sex.But he was married to Elsa Smith,sister of the 'godfather' of the British Mafia group.One night,Eric met a girl named Molly Pond.He spent the night with her and got her knocked up.Elsa found out and told her brother.She was going to commit suicide but her brother concocted the perfect plan for her revenge on her unfaithful husband.

When the baby is born,Elsa was to go and kill Molly Pond in the hospital.She'd take the baby and bring it to her sister,Anna.She was to create lies about her 'pregnancy' and how she was 'dying'.Nine months of waiting patiently,the baby was born.The baby was a girl and her mother named her Amanda Pond.Her father called her Amy Pond because he says it's 'like a character from a fairytale'.But that night,Elsa snuck into Molly's room and killed her.She then proceeded to the baby's room,where she took the baby and left.

Elsa left the baby with a note at the steps of the Steel's home.She hurried off and it's said that no one knew of whereabouts since then.


(Harry's POV)

"But why Amanda?Why is she going to be a victim to your jealousy?"I asked.

"Well,no one can find Eric,so I guess we're going to kill his only daughter.He might come here.And then we'll complete our plan."Elsa laughed.

"Well,I can see a few flaws in your plan."I remarked.I hope to stall some time.Elsa and Rose raised their eyebrows."Well...firstly,how would you know if Eric's still alive?Second,why go through all this difficulties for one stupid revenge?And third....if you want to kill someone I care about,don't make me stand in the doorway."I said while turning and running out of the house.I called 911 and gave them the address to the house.Elsa and Rose were scrambling into their beat up car.

"Oh,and ladies.If you want to get away from a crime scene,try not to leave the door open and the key at the ignition."I dangled the key in front of them.

"Damnit you stupid shit!"Rose screamed in exasperation.I smirked as Elsa got out of the car and kicked it.

"Don't be so smug!Your girlfriend is dead!"Elsa screeched.My face fell.I totally forgot Amanda in the room.I rushed into the house,cursing myself for forgetting why I was even here in the first place.

"Amanda?"I said as I entered the room.She was there.I went to her side.I couldn't see the rise and fall of her chest.I didn't feel a pulse.No breath escaped her lips.My head's spinning as I try to process what was happening.

"No no no no no shit no no no no FUCK why why Amanda no please."I cried silently.I heard the police and the ambulance siren in the distance."There's no use."I muttered softly."She's gone and I caused it.Those bitches probably escaped.What have I done?"I put my head in my hands.

She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.She's gone,She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.She's gone.The words repeated in my head as I watched Amanda,cold as stone,dead as bone.She's gone and I wasn't there to see her go.

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