Chapter 25-Long Way Home

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Hey guys,um the chapter's called Long Way Home and try listening to Long Way Home by 5 Seconds of Summer...

Harry got us a room with two beds in a small hotel in the outskirts of Holmes Chapel.By the time we got into our room,I was staggering and bone-tired.The room was small,with two beds,a cupboard,a small TV and the bathroom.I went inside the bathroom to wash my face.When I got out,Harry asked me which bed did I want to sleep in.I chose the one nearer to the window.

"Go get some sleep,Amanda."Harry yawned and I smiled.

"You need some sleep as well."

"Alright,fine,I won't stay up guarding you with my whole life."He smirked.I threw a pillow at him and it hit him in the face.

"Ow!"Harry yelped.

"Just a pillow,Harry."I winked at him.

I lay down on the bed.I felt strangely scared,for no reason."Um,Harry?"


"D-do you wanna sleep next to me?I feel a bit scared."

"Of what?Weeping Angels?"


"A British thing.Okay,I'll sleep next to you.I thought you'd never ask!"I could tell he was grinning.

He slid under the covers and I inched away to give him space.We lay down,side by side,quiet.After a while,Harry asked,"Do you think your mother really wanted you?"

"I don't know,Harry."

"No mother could stay away from their children unless they really hated or didn't want the baby.It's a mother's thing to actually be there for her child!"

"Harry...let it go.I don't mind.She was really sick,I get it."

"Really?I've heard of brain tumors alright.You don't survive for 16 years without slurring your words,forgetting things,getting confused and lost."I thought about what he said.It's true.

"Do you think she was...lying?"I asked.

Harry shrugged."It's just odd that she could still remember perfectly and doesn't panic for no reason."


"Get some sleep,Amanda."

I sighed."Okay.Goodnight,Harry."

"Goodnight Amanda."And the room went dark.


The next morning,I woke up at the sound of the shower.Harry wasn't sleeping next to me.Last night I was thinking about how everything didn't add up to what "Mum" said.I switched on my phone and saw 15 missed calls from Mum.I ignored it and googled for brain cancer.Harry was right.The chance of brain cancer patients surviving for years is highly unlikely.To think that my 'mother' survived 16 years is almost impossible!

At that thought,I pulled on my jeans,t-shirt and sneakers.I grabbed my jacket and my phone.I slipped out of the room unnoticed by Harry,still in the shower.

The receptionist at the lobby stared at me.I'm a mess.My hair is messy,my eyes bleary and I'm still sleepy.I shrugged it off.People can stare all they want.I need to fix this problem.

I arrived at the house.I knocked four times on the door,but no answer.The door is unlocked.Weird.For people who wants tp keep social workers out,they shouldn't be leaving the door unlocked.I slipped inside,careful to not make a single noise.

The house was eeriely quiet,as if no one lived here.I checked the room that we met my 'mother',the kitchen and the toilet.No one.I went up the stairs.The stairs creaked."Shit!"I swore under my breath.I hurriedly tiptoed upstairs.I checked the rooms.No one inside.

I felt someone's presence behind me.I was about to turn around when something hit me in the head.I fell to the floor in a silent thud.My vision went black.

Hello dear readers,can't believe I'm getting 833 reads already!!!Like my erhem-boyfriend- said,I'm on the road to 1k!!! :P #RoadTo1K 

So....what do you guys think?Hope you like it,and sorry for not updating much...I was banned and right now I'm actually sneaking to write!

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