Chapter 18-I Can't Take It Anymore!

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"What the bloody hell?!!"I yelled at Harry and Kate.I was absolutely,totally shocked and extremely angry.

"Wha-!Oh shit!Amanda!"Harry jumped up,hitting Kate's mouth with his knee.She rubbed her mouth while smirking at me.

"Amanda,I can ex-"Harry said but I interrupted him.

"How could you?!Was-was it all fake?!Were you just pretending to be my boyfriend,and all this while fucking Kate?!"

"I love-"

"No!Don't give me that bullshit!You never did!Just trying to get in my fricking pants!Luke was right!You're just a manwhore!"I yelled as I stormed out.

(Harry's POV)

In the minute of Kate giving me the blowjob,I forgot everything.I forgot Amanda,I forgot where I was,I forgot why I'm here.

The way she sucked me,was so heavenly.I moaned her name as she-

"What the bloody hell?!"Amanda yelled at me.I jumped up so fast,I accidentally hit Kate's mouth.

"Wha-Oh shit,Amanda!"I said."Amanda,I can ex-"

"How could you?!Was-was it all fake?!Were you just pretending to be my boyfriend,and all this while fucking Kate?!"She interrupted me.

"I love-"I started again.

"No!Don't give me that bullshit!You never did!Just trying to get in my fricking pants!Luke was right!You're just a manwhore!"And that last bit about Luke tore me to bits.

As she left,I heard Kate mutter,"Naive bitch."

I turned to her and slapped her right across her mouth."You shut the fuck up!"And I ran out to find her.

(Amanda's POV)

I couldn't believe it!My Harry was getting a blowjob from Kate!And in Riley's room too!Urgh!!!

"Amanda,honey,where are you going?"Eleanor asked me as I ran past her.It feels like,the walls are closing in on me.I opened the front door and ran to the street.As Riley lives in Bayswater,I'll need to get to the Tube to get home.After a few minutes of wandering around,I bumped into someone.

"Oof!Sorry!"I said,hastily moving away.

"Amanda?"Uh-oh.It's Luke!

Just say something!!!"Luke?"I squeaked.

"Yeah,it's me.What are you doing here,alone?At this hour?"Aw,he's so caring.At least you know how horrible he can be!

"Yes,I'm here alone!What do you want?"I snapped.

"Aw,gee.I was just worried.Are you okay?"His blue eyes full of concern.

And when someone asks you that question,you burst into tears.I sobbed."I'm-"

He grabbed my arm before I could stumble over my own feet.He pulled me closer to him,so close I could feel his breath on my neck.

And that's when he kissed me.A long,hard,passionate kiss.But a few seconds later,I heard someone yell.

(Harry's POV)

"Where is she?!"I yelled at Niall.He looked surprised but he just shrugged.

"She ran out.Care to tell us what happened?"Riley folded her arms and looked at me with such...anger.


"That bitch saw me giving Lover Boy a blowjob."Kate appeared at the stairway,looking very pleased.

"You what?!"Eleanor said,livid.I've never seen Eleanor this angry.Actually,I've never seen Eleanor get angry before.I'm in deep,deep trouble.I ran out without another word.

At first,I didn't know where to go.But since it's already midnight,I daresay she's getting home.I ran to the Tube station,hoping that she forgot her Oyster card or something.

As I neared the Tube station,I thought of the things I'd say.How I'd explain.But my thoughts all stopped when I saw her kissing Luke.

Sure,it could be someone that looks like Luke and Amanda.And to be sure,I yelled her name.

And,well,well,well.It was her!She looked at me and gasped.

"Whoa whoa whoa,what's going-"Luke said,before I told him to shut the fuck up.

"Really?Wow.And I thought you were oh-so-shocked about me and Kate.Well,I would've known you'd come into his arms!"I growled.She flinched as I took a step towards her.


"No!Don't give me that bullshit!You never loved me!"I said in a high pitched voice.I hope she knows that I'm mocking her.

"Stop it!What the hell is your problem!?"Luke yelled.

"Harry,don't!Whatever you're gonna do-"Amanda said,just before I punch Luke in the jaw.And I punch him again.And again.And again.

"No!Harry stop!"She put her hand on my arm.I stopped.We looked into each other's eyes.She's so beautiful...And before I knew,I kissed Amanda.And I carried her,spun her around and just....

As she broke the kiss,she said,"Harry..."

And I shushed her and kissed her again.But this time,she pushed me away.She walked a few steps before I grabbed her arm."Amanda...I can explain."

She stopped.She turned and said,"No,you can't."And she wretched her hand off my grab.

"Amanda,please."I said.

"Leave me alone,Harry."She said,sobbing.I backed away.I know she needs her space.And I respect that.Unlike a certain someone.

Luke was starting after her when I told him,"Let her be,Hemmings."

"Well,you screwed up big time,Styles.Just remember who's there for her while you were fucking someone else."He sneered.I ignored him and walked off.

"She's been hurt by you,Styles!Don't think she'll trust you again that easily!"Luke called after me.And I'm afraid he might be right.

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