Chapter 14-Riley!!!!

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It's been another month since Harry was in my room.Kate and Barbara have stopped bullying me.That's something good.Things are finally working out for me,I guess.

Normal day in Paddington High.But Riley looks a bit worn out.Maybe she forgotten breakfast?Naw,she loves food!That's why Riley and Niall should get together!

Anyway,it's Geography class!Yay(note the sarcasm!)!!!!Madame Yu is teaching us about the structures of a volcano....I think.Harry,Liam,Riley and I are texting each other in a group chat.I know,I know,blah blah no texting while learning but we needed to get rid of boredom between us!

Liam:Riley,are you okay?You don't look too good....

Harry:Yeah,what happened?

If you must know,Harry and I are best friends now, even if he was a dick/jerk before.I really think he has changed.Harry haven't told me the 'Confession' yet and my good friend, Luke Hemmings would sometimes pop in our coversation to ask for the littlest things!But he is a really nice guy I suppose....Anyway...

Riley:I'm fine.Just can't concentrate on Madame Yu's lesson.'s just lessons on the structure of volcanoes...

Then,Harry burst out laughing,which earned him a glare from Madame Yu.

Me:Shhhh!!!What's so funny???


Harry's shoulders were shaking as he silently giggled.

Liam:Something perverted,I think.You can never be careful with Harry.....


Harry:Sorry,but it's too funny!

Riley suddenly gasped beside me.I turned to Riley only to see Riley cough.But blood was splattered on her Geography book.I yelled,"Riley!!!" to grab Madame Yu's attention.Riley's face was pasty white,like Edward from Twilight.

It worked.Within seconds,Madame Yu was screaming hysterically for the principal,the nurses in school,the ambulance,everyone!

"Oh no.No,Riley,don't go!!!!"I screamed.Harry held me back.Riley was put onto a stretcher and wheeled away.Madame Yu ushered everyone out,except for me and Harry,who need 'some alone time' together.Harry hugged me from behind and kissed the top of my head.

"Shhh....She's gonna be okay."

I sobbed and choked up."R-Riley....What's happening?"

"She'll be okay...."Harry said,slowly rocking me side to side.

Everything felt in slow motion.For a moment,I forgot Riley and all my current problems.I feel safe in the warmth of Harry.What am I saying???Am love?I never felt like this before.Are we friends or are we more?I'm not sure.....


(Harry's POV)

It felt surreal.Hugging Amanda.I never felt like this before.Are we friends or are we more?I'm not sure....I wonder if she feels the same way....Wow.Paddington High's bad boy has fallen in love!

She stopped crying.She turned around and hugged me."Thank you Harry....I-I love you."


(Amanda's POV)

Whoa.I did NOT say that.He's a player!!!Must.Not.Fall.For.Him!!!"I-I"I stuttered.

"Shhh.I understand.You have a crush on me!"I hit his arm.Damnit,I ruined a perfect moment.Our moment....

Does he know that I'm blushing?!"Yeah,you do!!!You're blushing!!"Harry teased me.

"Why would I ever like you?!"Oops!I did not say that!!!Shoot!

He bit his bottom lip."I-I didn't mean to hurt-"

"It's alright."He turned and abruptly left.I sank to the floor.Just great!Good job,Amanda!What a way to ruin the moment!

"Amanda?"Louis' girlfriend and one of my best friends,Eleanor Calder asked me,entering the empty classroom."Are you okay?"She asked.

I nodded.But I burst into tears.

"Aw,honey!Riley is a strong girl.She can beat this illness!"

"It's not just Riley,Harry too!"I told her about 'I-think-I-hurt-Harry's-feelings'.

"Harry isn't used to girls rejecting him."She said.

"Oh yeah.He was a player."I said,rolling my eyes.....Rejection??I love that idiot!

"Don't say that!He's trying to change for you!"

I snorted."As if!I know I hurt his feelings but why is he so worked up about it?"


Author's Note-Ha!A cliffhanger!Sorry for not updating much,I got exams coming up!

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