Chapter 1 - The tale

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"Did you hear about Coach? No one even knows where he went. A shame really, he had such a good bum and perfect abs." I turned to look at Ali. "Our Coach is missing, possibly dead and you are stating how good looking he was?" This was a low, even for Ali. She flicked her blonde locks over her shoulder, her hazel eyes gazed at me.

"Don't you think he was though? I am just commiserating on that fact of how amazing he was. Remembering the good things about him." She smiled cheekily. Hitting her arm I was shocked. Second disappearance of the week. The last disappearance before this was six years ago. Turned out the father beat his child to death and hid the body to escape a prison sentence. For that; he got a longer one. People's minds were not all that clever.

Lifting the bright red apple to my lips, I took a bite. "Don't tell me you are still on that stupid diet?" Ali asked.

"No, I am learning to balance my diet if you must now." Sticking my tongue out at her, I saw her shake her head. Of course I was still on my diet, just had to loose a few pounds then I will be happy. I'm not going to say I'm 'fat' because I'm not. I have the right curves and a flat stomach but we all compare ourselves to another. It wasn't really an actual diet though, more of skipping the junk meals and eating an apple. Taking the healthier option in life.

"Come on, the bell is about to go and we both know how busy the corridors get." Ali and I grabbed our bags before leaving the space under the large oak tree.

Under the constant cover of clouds, and just past the low mountains of England lay a small secluded town of Gatesway. Its small population of just over five thousand made it easy to get around. It reminded me sometimes of Forks in Twilight, as surrounding the small town was nothing but tree's.

We didn't even have our own hospital, you needed to take a half hour drive to find the nearest one. That's half hour if you drive over fifty mph, and have hit no traffic. Found that out when I broke my ankle four years ago.

Each house was small, mansions were found on the outskirts of the town owned by the rich, the old, and the descendants of both. One mansion was left abandoned but no one ever went near it, or tried to buy it. Thinking about it, I didn't even know if it was up for sale.

Gates high was the high school myself and Ali attend. Now, we had History. The last lesson of the day, thankfully. Year eleven was turning out to be harder than anyone thought.

Taking a seat at one of the double desks, Ali sat next to me. "What are you doing for the weekend Baby?" She calls me Baby, not because we are in a relationship but because that was my nickname. Like in Dirty Dancing 'Francis's' name is 'Baby'. The reason for this is it took my parents a whole four weeks to give me a name, in the mean time they just called me 'baby'. Then they kept calling me it and it stuck. It wasn't till I reached year ten I began to hate it. The way boys said it, or teachers used it to patronize me.

"Catching up on the sleep I lost waking up at five o'clock and homework. You?" Ali pulled out her nail file and began filing her nails. "I will consider homework, but meeting Ryan." A smile broke across her face. I don't see what Ali sees in Ryan, oh well.

The lesson passed slowly, we were talking about the 'mystical' and 'supernatural' beings as it is not even a week till Halloween. For Halloween there was a party in the hall. Katie was head of the committee for the party, so I knew it was going to be good. Still I haven't found an outfit, I had no clue what to be. Maybe I will research party costumes and maybe order one on the weekend.

Our homework was to research a Lord or Lady, any one that has something to do with this town. Then research into them and how they got their title. Simple really.

"Baby, can you hold on one moment?" Mr Sayers asked politely. Saying bye to Ali for the day and for the weekend, I waited behind to let everyone leave.

"Everything okay?" I asked him. Mr Sayers was a fairly new teacher, mid-twenties I believe. Very good looking. When he first arrived; everyone had a crush on him. Including myself.

"Yes. I think you will most likely be doing your assignment on Lord Grayson, am I correct?" I tilted my head. But how? "Possibly, most likely. But how do you know?"

"Your art teacher has put up a display in the corridor, your drawings on the board you created were there. All of the old manor just at different angles. You are a beautiful and talented drawer." I blushed by his words.

"It's a very beautiful place." He nodded in agreement. I've always felt a pull to go there though. "Do you go often?" I nodded. "By yourself?" Again I nodded. "Please be safe, with this disappearances you need to be safe." I nodded again. Why was he acting weird.

"Maybe, its time to find the answers Baby. Find the truth that is hidden in the walls. Look deeper. I know you have to." My head cocked to the side. What does he mean? Before I could question his words; he left. Just like that.

I don't understand.

Taking the long route home, I went through the cemetery. Sitting at the all to familiar statue I stared at the grave. I wasn't a sad, depressed teenager who lost her parents in a tragic accident and sits at their grave but I my grandmothers instead. My nana meant so much to me. She died one night in her sleep, she just stopped breathing. She was fifty seven.

I remember running to her house and we used to walk up to the shop on the corner. It was an old sweet shop, with fudge blocks and big jars of cola cubes, toffee crumble and everything that's nice. She used to give me her pennies and I would buy with all my delight. Leaving the shop with a bag in my hand full of nothing but sugar.

Every year she would buy me a beautiful bound journal, telling me to write everything. Never miss a day and never forget to write the feeling. So I did. I carry my journal with me everywhere, writing in every free time. The rest would be afterschool. It wasn't a 'diary' where it had the day written at the top, that is something I do myself. I get as many pages as I want. Some pages are full of drawings of the manor or a beautiful flower. Others of nothing but words, scribbles on some, and song lyrics of meaning on others.

I love my journal, and never let anyone read it.

Taking a seat, I spoke out loudly just to say hi. Digging my journal out of my bag I wrote the days events, the disappearance of Coach Lope. The words Mr Sayer said. The sky began to darken and worriedly I headed home. I don't want to be stuck in the dark, in the cemetery when people are going missing. Isn't the best idea.

Arriving home, mum was in the kitchen cooking pasta I think and dad was reading the newspaper complaining when they say something they didn't like. Mum and I laughed on his rampage about the football results. Terrible.

The night passed and Saturday was spent seeing Ali at the mall. We bought some clothes, and shoes as well as some new pens and arts and crafts.

She asked me to get ready for her date with Ryan that night. So I did some simple pin curls for her and helped a tiny bit with makeup. She looked beautiful. A small shocking red dress which flared just above the waist into a puffy skater skirt was the main point. The top part was corset style, but not too much.

Going home I felt like someone was following me. Turning, I could never see anyone. I was pretty sure I was going crazy.

The house was empty when I returned. Mum and dad were still at work. My older sister Colby was still at university. She should be coming down next weekend, hopefully.

Firing up the laptop I typed in 'Gatesway Lord Carlisle Grayson' into Google. You've got to love Google, I can't live without it. Vampires.

That was the first answer that came up, stinking Vampires. This isn't helping at all? Maybe I have to go to the library, or the house... Deciding to go to the manor tomorrow morning, there I will search for the answers. A part of me was scared. All for a history project.

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