Chapter 13- My world turned on its axis

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“There is a slight possibility that it isn’t, but you are showing all the signs. I wouldn’t tell someone the worst scenario is unless I’m about ninety-seven percent certain. The good thing is, is that the blood test shows no tumour or cancer, meaning if you do have cancer; it isn’t in your blood stream yet.” I couldn’t focus on his words, my mind was spinning and my body was trying to catch up. Good news? That is good news? No it isn’t.

Is this the dream? I’m going to die painfully with no hair, and nothing but these hospital walls to keep me company?

“Doctors been worried about it before, your body doesn’t provide as much enzymes as it should that’s why you’ve always had trouble with your stomach. Your food doesn’t break down properly. According to your notes, your previous doctor gave you tablets to control the acid. That’s not the problem….” So if my previous doctor spotted the truth; this wouldn’t be happening?

“I suggest you go home, contact your parents and pack a bag. I would like to run some tests in the early morning and some of them you can’t eat for a certain amount of hours before? Are you okay?” Finally the world stopped spinning, yet I still couldn’t focus. I need to go, go and tell my parents and Ali. What do I say to Carlisle?

Doctor Glaze sighed, before sitting in the chair beside me. He rested his arm on my own and tried to reassure me. “You can use my phone to call them?” Looking at him, I nodded. He brought up my mothers details on the screen and I clutched the phone close as it rang.

“Sweetie? Are you okay? I can’t really talk now-” I interrupted her. “Mum I got my results from the hospital.” There was an unnerving silence, she realised what phone I am calling off. “Well?”

“It’s not good. It’s not really not good. I’m going home to pack a bag they want to do more tests in the morning to finalise it but…” I shivered at the thoughts that seeped into my mind. I can’t die from cancer! I can’t. “But what? Baby you are scaring me now. What is it? What do they think is wrong with you?”

A tear fell from my eye and began its path down my cheek. “They think it’s cancer mum.” Clutching the phone tighter, my sobs were made apparent and the tears didn't end.


The drive home was awkward, mainly as I didn't tell him what they said. He didn't listen because he didn't want to invade my privacy. Or what I thought- he didn't want me to get even more angrier at him.

Pulling into my drive, my father’s car was here. Mum must of called him, I tried but I couldn’t. I wouldn’t be able to tell my dad. My mum means a lot to me, but I love being in the company of my father. I’m a daddy’s girl which mum didn't like.

Carlisle carried the bags behind me, respecting my silence. The door was flung open and my dad came rushing out. He pulled me into a bear hug and held me tight against him. We’ve never done this. She must of told him.

Just like that the tears started again. “Shh sweetie. There’s a possibility it isn’t. Now that we have all this technology we will be able to get rid of it okay?” I nodded into his chest, sobbing loudly. I don’t think I will, my grave stone is proof this is the end. Of course I can’t tell anyone I found out I was going to die before finding out about the cancer.

“Come on. Come inside.” He helped me up the steps, supporting my weight as I didn't feel attached to the earth anymore; and we made our way inside. Carlisle followed us. He seemed confused and hurt I think.

“Your mother will be here in the next ten minutes or so. Tell me what the doctor said? Who wants tea?” My father followed his mother in the ‘there is nothing tea can’t cure’ path. Nodding I sat on the breakfast stool. Carlisle declined the offer in his polite ways before sitting beside me. He captured my hand with his, the ring glimmered. What a terrific birthday.

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