Chapter 23 - The fire that burns

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The pain was unbearable. I felt like every bone in my body was breaking. Starting from my neck going down my body. The new blood that was given to me by Carlisle was nothing more than fire. The blaze was never ending.

It felt like my body was covered in gasoline and someone set me alight. My gums just stung intensely, and my teeth were just a constant pain. I want to move, to call for help. But I couldn’t.

I was trapped inside my alight body.  I don’t know how long it lasted, but it wasn’t ending. I could hear my heart beat getting louder, or was it just my ears hearing more? Before I could find out my body was rocketed with an intense pain. It was so painful, I came out of my immobile state, to scream and arch my back. Nothing came out of my mouth though. It was like I had no vocal chords.

I wanted to scream, for people to know I was in pain, but I couldn’t. I was trapped. I wanted this to end. Dying would be less painful.


I don’t know how long it lasted, but the burning began to fade. My feet tingled in the aftermath. My heart beat was as fast as a helicopter, then I couldn’t hear it, or feel it.

The sound of wood cracking was all around me. The trapped air space was hit by fresh air. All though it was muggy. 

“Is she okay? I can’t hear a heartbeat!” Someone was frantic, and I felt them rub my cheek. Another hand came down on my chest above my non-beating heart. The hand felt heavy against my sensitive body.

“Carlisle, the transition is complete. She looks different, her skin paler. She doesn’t smell like she has begun rotting, her body isn’t stiff as it should be, and her veins haven’t exploded.” I didn't recognise the voice. It sounded weird to my ears. Wait? Am I a vampire? Veins exploded? Ew!

Realising that I wasn’t breathing, I debated whether I should or not. I don’t understand.

My throat was burning. I could feel the path from my mouth to my stomach, the entire thing was still burning. I was hungry. For what? I wasn’t all too sure.

Someone touched my arm, and my entire body flinched at the contact. My skin was so sensitive. “Yep, she’s a vampire. Be careful Carlisle, her skin is sensitive.” It was Frederick talking I believe. I wasn’t to sure.

 “Leave us please.” I don’t know who he was talking to but footsteps left. Three people. One lighter footed, one heavier and one in between. A female and two males I presume. The leaves crunched under their feet. We were outside.

“Baby? Open your eyes for me?” Carlisle? Opening my eyes, I watched him gulp. He was right. It was like I’ve spent my entire life wearing foggy contacts and now I can see for the first time. I could see the specks of dust in the air. I could see how translucent and pale Carlisle really was. Never have I noticed a speck of gold in Carlisle’ green eyes. They had multi-shades of greens and the white was bright.

“How do you feel?” His hand took my own, I jumped at the contact. His skin used to be so cold, now he was warm. This is so weird. I couldn’t find a voice, my throat was hurting painfully.

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