Chapter 14 - Calming me

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The night was horrible, Carlisle stayed with me throughout. Even when I put my headphones in, he held me close. Children’s cries, and doctors walking past saying how some people won’t make it. I hate it here.

Carlisle held me, his hand stroking my back. When it got too much I said he could leave and he refused. Now it’s morning and Carlisle is with Freddy. Thinking about it, Ali never called me back?

The tests were horrible. More blood tests, one of them had to go into the vein of my arm and I had a tube hanging for ten minutes. I hate needles. After that I was wheeled into a room for an x-ray. It’s very taunting and lonely getting an x-ray. Lying on the over padded bed, while everyone is behind that screen on to other side room, so far away.

After a half hour wait, I was taken into more x-rays. These ones focused on my stomach, then finally the MRI. That was the scariest. My claustrophobia kicked in and I was virtually having a panic attack in the tube. They took me out when they noticed how fast my heart was beating. The machine was switched off and Carlisle came into the room.

He tried to calm me down by cradling me. “It’s okay. Just close your eyes and relax okay? It will be over before you know it. I will be here when you get out. Think of me and only me.” Nodding into his chest I took a deep breath.

Lying back on the thin padding on top of the tray for the machine, I looked at Carlisle. His face was creased with worry. I was in that stupid white hospital gown.

Carlisle’s hand lifted and he gently wiped the tears from my cheeks. Pushing my hair out of the way, I pushed it behind my ears. Carlisle’s eyes landed on my neck. The bite marks. Realisation hit him then the shut his eyes. What is he doing?

He was standing there, he eyes squeezed shut and he was deep in concentration. His back was to everyone who was in the room looking through the window. Before I could question him I began to relax.

A wave of calmness washed over me, fatigue hit me and my eye lids were beginning to fall. His kissed my forehead and left the room. I barely noticed. I felt like I was on some sort of high. Or when you drink and you reach that mellow level, where the world is perfect just before you drink too much. That point? There’s me, waving my hand.

A yawn escaped my lips, and I was told to stay awake. The machine started up, and I was moved back inside the machine once more. There were lights on the side that looked pretty.

I was told not to move, but I wanted to lift my hand and feel the plastic around me. Yawning once more, this yawn was bigger. It’s quite peaceful in here.

Finally I was in my relaxed state I was pulled from the machine once more. I don’t wanna go. I felt like a child, my legs moved, and my head rolled side to side. “Baby?”

“Yeah.” I smiled up at Carlisle, using my baby voice I giggled. “Maybe I relaxed you a bit too much.” He did this? Wait what?

Climbing of the bed, I felt dizzy on my feet. Sitting in the wheelchair, my body kept twitching, my foot kept tapping and my head kept moving. Going back to my room, I was hyper once more. Carlisle was left alone in the room with me.

Getting out the chair, I decided to be a rabbit. Hopping around, I was bouncing up and down up and down. He didn't join in. Turning to him, I pouted. “Play dizzy dinosaurs with me!” I started spinning around like I did when I was a child.

“What’s that?” His voice sent me to a halt. As I stopped spinning the world carried on. “Woah…” His arm shot out to steady me. “Are you okay?” Looking up at him, I still was dizzy. Giggling like a school girl; of which I was, my phone rang.

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