Chapter 2 - The manor

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“Come to me Darling. I will keep you safe. You are mine.”


Jerking awake, I tried to control my breathing. The same voice from my dream spun around my head, over and over. I am no ones? My mind was a jumbled mess. My body was glazed in a thin layer of sweat, it was disgusting. The clock read eight am, and I cursed myself at how early I woke up on a Sunday.

Trying to relax my mind once again I attempted to fall back asleep, but my mind wouldn’t stop its incredibly fast racing. I tried to fall asleep for another hour. For the entire hour, I rolled around, stayed still, flipped pillows before finally giving up.

Frustrated with myself, I punched the pillow before climbing out of bed. Leaving my room I went into the bathroom. Mum was asleep and dad was downstairs, I could tell by him whistling a random tune. He always woke up early, mum and I hated early mornings.

My stomach growled at me, but I decided to ignore it till after my much needed shower. Pressing the button on the electric shower, the water began to cascade down. Pulling the shower curtain over, in attempt to stop the water pouring onto the floor.

Waiting for the water to warm up, I stripped out of my large top I used to sleep in and climbed under the spray of water. Letting the water flood over me, I was immersed in the warmth. Cleaning my body, I was glad to feel clean again. Lathering my hands up in tresseme shampoo, I rubbed it on my scalp. Washing my hair, I put conditioner on the ends and shaved my legs before standing there for a couple of minutes. Finally I climbed out of the shower.

Pulling on my black leggings, a plain white crop top that showed my belly piercing and a light blue denim jacket, I grabbed my black rucksack and put a hoodie in, in case I get cold. My journal, a sketchbook and my usual pencil case I headed downstairs after finding a pair of socks. It looked warm out, but I didn't want to be deceived by English weather.

As I will be walking on uneven, rocky ground; I decided on my black leather effect (Matte black) Doctor Martins.  Checking myself over in the mirror I didn't think I looked that bad. My long brown hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail, I kept make up to a minimal so I wore none. No point I will most likely sweat it off. Just a bit of Vaseline on my lips to make them shine.

By the time I was fully ready, and had breakfast it was nearly twelve. Telling dad I was just going for a walk and to find a place to do my sketches he wouldn’t let me leave until I had a full bottle of water in my bag, a sandwich wrapped up and a piece of fruit. Deciding that was a good idea, I grabbed a packet of crisps on the way.

Following the same path as I always did, I followed the all too familiar route. Taking sips of my water when needed, my mind flickered between the idea of taking my coat off or not. It was really hot so I was sweating, but every now and then the wind will pick up and a cold gust of air will make me shiver.

I didn't know what to think of the articles I found last night. When I couldn’t fall back asleep, I fired the laptop back up and researched once more. Apparently Carlisle Grayson was made a Lord by the fact of he had great power and wealth. No one knew if there was another reason, but in 1784 he arrived with nothing but a lot of money and many jewels. He built his house, providing jobs and money for the locals.

Everyone loved him, but then people started disappear. Like they are now; but worse. Like really, really disappear. No ‘missing people’, just dead bodies. Drained of blood. People believed a Vampire was amongst the souls of the city. People would lock their doors and hide. Believing the monster only roamed at night they questioned everyone and had their own ‘curfew’.

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