Chapter Twenty

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"The band that is coming back is . . . Total Warning!"

The boys jumped up, yelling like little kids. "And the band that is leaving is Trilogy of Luck."

The boys were still yelling in glee. "If you are watching, Total Warning, we are sending a bus there to get you as of now. Be ready when it gets there or it might leave without you!" Toby said. The boys ran to their rooms, packing.

"Finally," Cecily whispered to Tad. "They are leaving."

Tad laughed. "I mean, I love my little brother, but he is kinda annoying."

"I heard that!" Chad yelled, stomping into the living room. "Cece, how could you say that about me?"

"Cause it's the truth," Cecily said, laughing. "But I love you anyway."

"You're still mean, but I love you too," he said, hugging her.

"Are you guys done packing?" Tad asked the others.

"Yeah." The boys came out of their rooms with suitcases.

"The bus isn't even here," Cecily said. "So let's eat. I made pancakes."

They sat at the table, eating the pancakes in silence. "Great pancakes," James said, glancing at Cecily.

"Thanks," she said. 

He nodded once.

"You can't flirt with her," Chad whispered in a sing-songy voice. "She won't flirt back."

"I wasn't flirting," James whispered back. "I was complimenting her cooking like a good person would."

"Well, I'm watching you, James," Chad said.

"I can hear you," Cecily said. "I can take care of myself, thanks."

That made the boys go quiet. Suddenly they heard a honking noise. "The bus is here!" Bert said, jumping up. "We gotta go!"

The boys ran from the table to grab their stuff. They went outside to see the bus pulling away. "Stop!" Alexander shouted. The bus didn't stop. All five boys looked at each other before nodding. The started chasing the bus. "There's a stop sign up there. Maybe we can make it!" Alexander said quickly.

"Maybe not," Chad said, panting hard.

"Ooh, this is easy," James said and started running faster, way ahead of the other boys. "I'll try to get there and make them stop!"

"Okay," Aaron said. "Good idea. Does that mean we can stop running?"


Aaron, Alexander, Bert, and Chad immediately stopped running. "I forgot to grab my food from the table!" Chad said, pouting. "It was really good!"

"You can go back for it but you have to run," Alexander said, catching his breath.

"Never mind."

"That's why I came prepared," Bert said. "I brought some chips with me."

"Are you gonna share?" Aaron asked.

"Only with Alexander," Bert said smirking.

"Nooo! Share with the rest of us!" Chad said.

"Fine," Bert said. "I'll give you guys each the same amount but I'm getting a bigger amount because I brought it."

"I love food. Give me more food than the others," Chad said.

"Hey! I love food too!" Aaron said. "You should give me more, not him."

"I love food more than anyone else on this planet," Chad said, turning to Aaron. "My food."

"Guys! Stop arguing! I stopped the bus!" James yelled.

"We're coming," they all said and started walking slowly toward the bus.

They finally made it and boarded the bus. "Sorry about that," the driver said.

"It's fine," James told him. They sat down, Alexander and Bert together, Chad and James together, and Aaron alone. "Why am I always alone?" he asked.

"You can sit with James and I," Chad suggested, moving over, squishing James to the window. Aaron sat down. "Now Bert. Give us the food."

"Ugh fine," he said, giving them each a handful. "I get the rest of the bag."

"No fair! I am a hungry guy who is in love with food!" Chad said. "Give me more!"

"Nah," Bert said stuffing his face.

"What about me?" Alexander asked. "Do I only get a handful?"

"Yeah," Bert said slowly. "I did say I get the rest of the bag. Not me and Alexander."

"But earlier you said you would share with me," he said, pouting.

"I lied," Bert said. "And besides, I shared with you already."

"Boys, we're almost at the mansion!" the bus driver said.

"Yay!" Alexander said.

Bert couldn't wait to see Oakley.

Chad couldn't wait for the food.

Alexander couldn't wait to go back to sleep.

Aaron couldn't wait to eat with Chad.

And James couldn't wait until they won.

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