Colours and promises

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Your POV

I woke up feeling tired from crying all night. I tried to get out of bed but my sheets told me not to.

About 10 minutes later I rolled out of bed. 'I don't want to be late meeting him...' I went to the bathroom and put some basic makeup on, just mascara, foundation and highlighter. I decided to curl my hair, so I brushed out all the tangles before grabbing the curler.

Small curls bounced on my shoulders when I shook my head to loosen the curls. I went to put the curler down, but I brushed my hand against it, burning the tips of my fingers.

I cursed and fell backwards in pain, right into the bathtub. "Damnit, why!" I yelled, kind of laughing.

I put on black jeans and a burgundy long sleeve crop top and flew down the stairs (No, not literally!). 'Father must still be sleeping since he's probably hung over from the drugs.' I sighed, but smiled again. 'I guess it's a good thing, for me at least.'

I put my black coat on and some high heel boots. I quietly opened the front door, grabbing my keys and slipping into the cold outdoors. I swiftly closed the door and locked it, running down the sidewalk.

I arrived at the same place as yesterday. It was Saturday, so that's why I didn't throw a fit about coming here.

Before I knew it, I saw the dark-haired man approaching. He had dark blue jeans and a black skull shirt with a black pea coat. He didn't bother buttoning his jacket, so I assumed that he either wasn't cold or didn't care.

Most likely both of them.

"Hey, kitty," he said, looking at me with a smirk.

I tilted my head to the side and pouted in confusion.

"'Kitty' because you look cute and innocent, but really, you're quite feisty," he said as if he had read my mind. It was strange to me because no one really understood what I was trying to say.

He started walking off and I followed behind him.

"By the way, we're going to the mall. I need some stuff for a project." He said and rolled his eyes. I looked him in the eyes and nodded. There was something about his blue orbs that made me feel, like... I was at ease. We continued to walk but kept our eyes focused on each other.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. My name's Gene." He said finally, looking away.

We arrived at the mall, and it was like an explosion of colours everywhere. I forgot how colourful this place was.

After a while, we got all the stuff that Gene needed.

"Hey, kitty, look," he pointed at a 'La Senza' store.

"Go put one on for your master." He said and laughed.

I violently shook my head. 'No way was I doing that! I have some self-pride!'

He grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the store, laughing his butt off.

'I... was... not... doing... THAT!' Before I could process what was happening, my hand had lifted into the air and flew towards Gene, slapping him across the face.

He stopped walking and just stood there, looking up. His eyes were blank, but he wore the most shocked expression that I had ever seen.

"I-I'm so sorry I-I didn't mean to... it-it just h-happened..." I stuttered.

He looked down at me and actually didn't look that angry.

"Hey, you talked! I guess you're not a mute after all!" he grinned and rubbed his cheek. "You have a strong hit, too. I think we're going to get along quite nicely," he smiles mischievously.

"Fine if your going to be so stubborn I promise to show you a little respect okay."

I gave him a confused look and shook my head. I turned in the direction of an Aeropostale store instead.

"No way, you have to do what I say." He said sternly.

I looked back at him, then back at the Aeropostale, and marched over to the store anyway.

"H-Hey! Get back here!" He followed me into the store but I quickly grabbed a black t-shirt and ran into the girls change-room.

I opened the door slightly to see Gene leaning up against the wall on his phone. I came out of the small change room and cleared my throat.

He looked up.

"If you're going to be my maid, you're going to need more things black, so go ahead and buy it," he said and looked back at his phone.
I rolled my eyes and changed back into my crop top.

We left the store and started walking out when a group of about 6 guys came up to us. The man in the front was quite familiar to me.

I though about it for a moment before it clicked. 'Zane Ro'Meave.' He bullied me a lot, along with his gang, 'The Jury'.

"Well, well, if it isn't Zane and his Jury of idiots," Gene smirked, obviously happy with his choice of words.

"Well hello, Gene, who's the new girlfriend?" Zane asked, nodding his head at me. I shook my head and backed up behind Gene. I didn't want any part of their feud.

"You're just jealous because I get all the girls and you get dog shi-"

Before Gene could finish his insult, one of Zane's goons gave Gene a punch to the stomach. Gene straightened up as if nothing had happened. His eyes scanned his surrounding, and even though he was stupid, he was not stupid enough to the think that he can take on 6 of the Jury's members.

So... he swiftly grabbed my hand and darted for the door. This caught me off guard, so I dropped the coat that was in my arms.

"Gene, my coat!" I semi-shouted, kind of angry.

"Forget it, we don't have time to go get it."

We reached outside and I leaned against a tree, panting. It had started to snow so it was freezing outside. I wrapped my arms around me to try and conserve some heat, but failed and started shivering.

I saw him give me a glance. He suddenly placed something around my shoulders. I touched it to find his jacket wrapped around me.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked quietly.

"Nah, plus," he smiled. "I can't have my maid freezing to death."

With that we walked back to the corner of the road we met on and headed our separate ways. But before I could distance myself from him...

"Hey, kitty," I hummed in response. "You should talk more with your voice. It's... cute..." I flushed in embarrassment and covered my face with my hands.

When I stepped back into my house, I was greeted by a passed-out dad on the ground, beer and wine bottles littered around him. I was relieved that he wouldn't see me, but I was sad that he ended up like this.

I walked up to my room and collapsed onto the bed. Before I fell asleep, my last thoughts were getting lost in Gene's big, blue eyes.

Why (Gene X Reader) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now